Back during the Kavanaugh nomination hearing, I said that that the antics that the Democrats engaged in, treating spurious rumors as a guilty conviction was proof that the Democrats should never be allowed to hold any office ever again.

Senator Lindsey Graham said exactly that.

Fast forward to today.

The shooting by Kyle Rittenhouse is perhaps the most well-documented street shooting in history.  Multiple cameras at multiple angles provided an incredible amount of evidence.

Rittenhouse’s lawyer went on Fox News and laid out his case for self-defense.

Trump was challenged by a real shit-stain yellow journalist about a “vigilante” Trump supporter.  Trump responded that it was a self-defense shooting.

Senator Chris Murphy had this retort:


A partisan hack of a prosecutor overcharged him for political reasons.

The evidence for self-defense is so overwhelming I can’t imagine this charge would survive a motion for dismissal.  It most definitely won’t survive a jury trial.

But none of that matters.  A sitting United States Senator doesn’t need a conviction.  That some piece of shit prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich is enough to make Rittenhouse guilty and Trump guilty by association.

What Senator Murphy did is egregious but completely on brand for what the Democrats have become.  Power starved tyrants who destroy every principle of jurisprudence to gain one more iota of authority.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “The same a**holes who tried to destroy Kavanaugh are now after Rittenhouse”
  1. And then NPR comes out with this hot take:

    Their violence is speech.
    Your speech is violence.

    That phrase, which I always thought was an exaggeration until I started doing my “guerrillas in the mist” twitter shadowing, can now be expanded to:

    Their attacks are self-defense.
    Your self-defense is an attack.

    By the way, there is a video floating around of a fight, purportedly from July, involving Rittenhouse. The caption is usually something like “Kyle Rittenhouse sucker-punches a girl” or something like that. While I do believe that Rittenhouse is the one in the video, it is extremely clear that he is coming to the aid of his much, much smaller female friend who is being attacked by a teenage girl who probably has 6 inches and 40lbs on Rittenhouse.

    1. “Without evidence” i.e., “ignore the video floating around the internet with evidence contrary to our narrative.”

    2. Thank you. That explains the spurious claim I read from another person who claimed Kyle “beat the crap out of an innocent girl”….

  2. I seem to recall some other president who fairly routinely made similar pronouncements … A self-defense shooting, and police officer he branded as racist come to mind … and the press had nothing but praise for his perspicacity.

    Now what was his name again…?

  3. If you read the Criminal Complaint, it reads like it was written by the Defense, not the Prosecutor.

    Everything in it gives ammo to the self-defense claim.

    I would say that the Prosecutor, being stuck in a tough place, can’t not charge Kyle, political and the rioting mob need something.

    The Prosecutor knows it’s obvious self-defense and he’s giving Kyle all the help he can. If the Prosecutor can drag it out in court for a few months, maybe he can drop the charges in December and avoid the mob reaction and avoid the political bs as well.

    The Criminal Complaint is out there in .pdf form, very worth the read. Miguel, I would recommend you post it and do an article about it, it has some great parts / quotes in it.

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