Kill several thousand people, drive the most energized city in the world to the ground by destroying its economy and transform it into a shithole and you get a pass. Get verbally frisky with a woman and you need to be hung from the rafters and you body left to feed the crows.

The Machine was Hungry. The Machine was promised a Governor. They could not provide the one in Florida so they had to serve The Machine one of their own.

There is a lesson there and will remains ignored: Saying and believing “It won’t happen to me” is poking the gods right in the eyes and they will poke back.
Hard, with a lightning bolt.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “The screwed up priorities from the Left”
  1. He gets a pass on stuffing old folks into homes to die because to criticize him on that would open the gates to criticism of all their failed covid measures.

  2. I’m starting to see more (mild-ish) leftists say the cancel culture and censorship must end. The latest is a financial talking head Mrs B told me about.

    Offhand, my thought is they are not saying this from a foundational belief, but rather because it’s sinking in that it can and eventually will happen to them too.

  3. Several points here. The China Virus was designed to kill old, infirm people which is what the Chinese government wanted to have happen. Cuomo intentionally set those virus patients in the nursing homes knowing those deaths would happen…So the leftist partei is ok with that. Secondly, the goal of the leftists partei is to reduce the economy to ashes so that it may be rebuilt as a socialist nirvana. So both vital goals were met….That’s not a problem for the partei. But he IS a pig when it comes to how he treats women….and that is a problem so his head must be removed.

    1. That’s a theory I’ve had for a while: that the coronavirus was NOT meant to be released outside of China. Their demographics are screwed up as is and ‘clearing the decks’ of their elderly might be seen by the CCP as a necessary sacrifice.

  4. The long knives always come out, Hitler, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, etc. It’s always the loyal minions that are the first to fall, because they are the ones who pose an immediate threat to the party leader.

  5. First, it’s “hanged,” not “hung.”

    Second, the question I’ve always had for Toomey (I’m in PA) and his ilk is, “Where in human history do you find any evidence for the idea that occasional forays into leftism will spare you when the mob comes?”

    Third, he’s not alone in killing old people in nursing homes. “Doctor” Levine, in PA, even moved his own mother to a hotel before forcing nursing homes to take in sick residents, the same thing happened in NJ and MA and a couple of other states. I’m not sure there are enough lampposts to accommodate the obvious need. Cuomo and DeCommio, though, still win the prize with respect to the “Jewish question.”


    1. Depends on the lamppost, Nunya.

      Trees, though… a good stout oak can have several strong branches.

      Just sayin’.

  6. Saying and believing “It won’t happen to me” is poking the gods right in the eyes and they will poke back.

    Well, the Left doesn’t believe in God, or gods, other than themselves and the Almighty Government, so….

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