More goings on from inside the CHAZ:

Rapes, robberies, and violence, but at least people aren’t being shot by police.

We all remember that black lives matter and that all lives matter is bad, correct?

Well here is why:

All lives matter is bad because then the Left gets to also identify whose lives to not matter.  When your life doesn’t matter you can be done away with.

Nothing gets us closer to Leftist utopia than getting rid of undesirables.

I have no desire to live in a Leftist utopia.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “The Seattle Autonomous Utopia”
  1. Waitaminute! A plethora of leftards politikos & their minions have sworn up and down on the MSM that this was a “Festive Zone.”

    Could it possible that they were :::gasp!::: lying?!


  2. “Who doesn’t matter? This M-Fer.” Reminds me of something…let me think…Oh yeah “Das Jude, Das Jude, Juden verboten.”

  3. All lives matter is bad because then the Left gets to also identify whose lives to not matter. When your life doesn’t matter you can be done away with.

    Bingo. With the Left it’s about power and control. It’s always about power and control.

    “All Lives Matter” removes the power to decide whose life doesn’t matter. Anything that removes power from the Leftist controllers is bad and won’t be tolerated.

    A lot of people have expressed confusion over — or made fun of — the “hypocrisy” going on within the CHAZ. They argue against secession … and then they secede. They argue that border walls and checkpoints are racist … and then set up a border wall with checkpoints. They argue that guns are bad and gun owners are racist … and then reinforce their border wall using men with guns. They argue that police enforcing the law is bad … and then set up their own police to enforce their own laws. They argue that the free press is necessary to tell their story … and then forcefully remove independent reporters.

    It all looks like hypocrisy and inconsistency until you realize that POWER and CONTROL are the goals. Not justice, nor equality, nor fairness. Power and control.

    Every single one of these “inconsistencies”, isn’t. They are 100% consistent, in that they’ll do whatever increases their power.

    We joke about how, if it weren’t for double standards, the Left wouldn’t have any at all. But it’s not really a double standard; it’s just not the standard they’d have you believe.

    They use words like “justice” and “equality” because they sound good to the masses, but they don’t really believe them. They’ll kick it all to the curb once they have what they want. The flowery, feel-good language is just a means to an end, and that end is (repeat it again) Leftist power and control.

    Once you look at events through that lens, all hypocrisy and inconsistency disappear, leaving nothing but 100% predictable lies and behavior.

  4. Wall it off. Make it as big as we need it to be. Call it “Coventry” (see the old Heinlein story by that name). Send everyone who can’t stand it here, and everyone who teaches or majored in Resentment Studies, there.

  5. It would seem to me that the Chief of Police would be in a position to do something besides whine about violent felonies being committed within the city limits, but maybe I’m too old-fashioned.The Brave New World looks to be quite a ride.

    1. You’re assuming the chief of police is a cop. In left wing cities at least, that’s often not the case. Instead, the chief is a low life politician who obeys the orders of the leftists in power, and doesn’t do much of anything having to do with policing.
      This is how you get police chiefs who lecture people that it’s bad for civilians to be armed. Real cops don’t do that, but leftist politicians do.

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