The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture has a webpage about whiteness.

It is the most racist thing I have seen since the Daily Stormer.

Whiteness and white racialized identity refer to the way that white people, their customs, culture, and beliefs operate as the standard by which all other groups of are compared. Whiteness is also at the core of understanding race in America. Whiteness and the normalization of white racial identity throughout America’s history have created a culture where nonwhite persons are seen as inferior or abnormal.

This white-dominant culture also operates as a social mechanism that grants advantages to white people, since they can navigate society both by feeling normal and being viewed as normal. Persons who identify as white rarely have to think about their racial identity because they live within a culture where whiteness has been normalized.

This infographic is what they declare to be oppressive whiteness.

The nuclear family, rational thought, the scientific method, planning for the future, hard work, delayed gratification, avoiding conflict, all of these things are bad and white supremacist.

The Woke Left is made up of the most disgusting white supremacists on the planet.  The Woke Left thinks lower of people of color than any Klansman calling a black person “mud people.”

This isn’t soft bigotry of low expectations, this is hard and fast bigotry.  It tells black people that they can never expected to work hard, be rational, or be on time, because that is a white trait for white people.

This all but tells POC to openly reject white behavior, which is a recipe for disaster.  The greater predictor for criminality is the absence of a father in the home, regardless of race.  Saying that the nuclear family is white supremacism only serves to ensure more black fatherlessness and social problems.

Then there us the hypocrisy of this.  I constantly hear about the lack of black people in STEM, but this openly rejects the scientific method as white supremacist and will make it harder for black people to get into STEM.

White supremacy is an ideology where white people are believed to be superior to nonwhite people. This fallacy is rooted in the same scientific racism and pseudo-science used to justify slavery, imperialism, colonialism, and genocide at various times in throughout history. White supremacist ideologies and their followers continue to perpetuate the myth of white racial superiority.

How can something be pseudoscience of we reject rationality and the scientific method?

Also, just as a side note: who said “bland is best.”

The British conquered the world on the hunt for spices that were not native to the European continent.  Today, England is the second highest consumer of curry per capita in the world.  Not to mention central European dishes drowning in garlic and onions, with a side of horseradish.  European cuisine is the product of peppers and spices being native to tropical climates, not some arbitrary preference for bland.

If you wonder if white people like bland food, ask yourself if you are willing to send your son into the deepest darkness jungle, half way around the world, with nothing but a black powder rifle, to battle tigers and parasites, just for a little crushed up dried seed to sprinkle on your food?  Because Europeans did that shit.

The worst part about this screed is that it’s taxpayer funded.  If this were put out by some radical fringe group, they have that righ . But for this to be said for by you and me is grotesque.

This is absolute, socially destructive evil that is made possible by our paycheck.

As a taxpayer I want this obscenity removed.  I should not be paying for racist propaganda.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “The Smithsonian’s taxpayer funded racist screed”
  1. In the early 60’s, our family moved to New Orleans for Dad’s job. Overt racism in that time and place was rampant, as was a bias against you if you had a “damn yankee” accent. I as a white kid from Utah, developed a taste for shrimp creole, jambalaya, gumbo, étouffée, etc, the hotter the better.

    One of the reasons the spice trade drove the voyages of discovery in the 15th and 16th centuries was that at that time the only known method of preserving meat in Europe was salting and drying (boring over a long winter). When spices from the far east were introduced into Europe by Arab traders, demand skyrocketed. At one time pepper traded ounce for ounce with gold. The spices made meat that was on the verge of spoiling more palatable, provided different ways of preserving food, and was downright tasty. It certainly wasn’t a “bland is best” attitude.

    1. Minor correction — the spice trade with India LONG predated Arab traders. Alexander, after all, conquered part of what’s now Afghanistan, and Greeks sailed from Egyptian ports on the Red Sea to India. The Romans continued the trade, and LOVED pepper. They built special ships to cross the Indian Ocean, and even sailed as far as modern Vietnam — some merchants even made it to the Chinese emperor’s court, but before a proper ambassador could be sent from Rome there was civil war and plague.

      1. You’re not wrong, but the spice trade, including sugar and molasses, was the corner stone of the British empire for a couple of centuries.

        Unlike the Spanish, they Brits weren’t interested in gold or jewels or converting people to a new religion. It was tea, sugar, and spices that built the British empire.

  2. I was going to excerpt it, but I can’t. It’s almost entirely the basis of the Declaration of the Independence.

    “The individual is the primary unit … assumed to be in control of their environment … independence & autonomy highly valued” leads to a government instituted to protect the liberties of the individuals and subservient to the people. A government “of, by and for the people”

    It’s about as conservative as a document could be. If Trump had issued that the media would be screaming “racist!!!” from every platform they could find.

  3. SiGrayBeard: “It’s about as conservative as a document could be. If Trump had issued that the media would be screaming “racist!!!” from every platform they could find.”


    Do you mean to tell me that the enemedia has any other sort of conversational Gambit?

    Frankly, psychiatrically, they demonstrate a profound poverty of conversational themes.

  4. Let’s see: Independence, father-led families, hard work rewarded, nuclear family, Christianity is the norm, male-focused holidays, future-thinking, delayed gratification, be polite…

    The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., is rolling in his grave. His “I Have a Dream” speech is almost a line-by-line refutation of this crap.

    The African-American Museum just rejected his remembrance and everything he ever stood for.

    I guess he was just too full of “whiteness”?


  5. Someone noticed. That graphic has been removed from the website.


    The Internet is forever, bitches. You can’t scrub your sins away that easily.

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