This old Leftist fuck is very proud of his shirt.

May I remind you that deportation was what the Soviets called stripping a citizen of their rights and sending them to the Gulag.

In the Soviet system, citizenship is irrelevant, only ideology matters.

If you did not agree with the ideology, you could be unpersoned.

The American Leftist is no different.

Your rights as a citizen depend on your ideology.

Agree with them and you can have all the rights of citizenship even if you’re not one.

Disagree with them and you rights as a citizen are revoked.

We just want to be left alone. They want to drag us from our homes and deport us.

And you wonder why I support the Second Amendment.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “The Soviet impulse of the American Left”
  1. “Community “ beerfest = libtard festival….anything with the word community in it is a liberal feel good thing..What an asshole… someone shoulda had a shirt that said “ keep the republicans, deport everyone else”….THIS is why we have the Second Amendment….

  2. “Agree with them and you can have all the rights of citizenship even if you’re not one.

    Disagree with them and you rights as a citizen are revoked.”
    Remember, they think they are the tolerant ones.

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