The Squad never fails to impress by demonstrating new levels of economic ignorance.

First AOC:

Her takeaway from a one-time bailout intended to help alleviate the pain of the government shutting down the economy by telling at least half of working Americans that they are non-essential and can’t go to work is that all this time we had the money to fund every cradle to grave Progressive handout they ever dreamed up, and the only reason we don’t is that the Republicans are just mean people who want others to suffer.

The only reason I am pro-bailout of any kind is that the current economic problem is one created by the government.  When the government tells you to shutter your business for something that is not your fault, they should pay you for it.

Eminent domain says the government cannot seize your property without just compensation.  Call a forced quarantine a temporary seizure.  They are temporarily taking control of your property and limiting what you can do with it.

The homeless crisis in New York isn’t caused by the New York City government forcing businesses to close because of quarantine, and the federal government shouldn’t be on the hook to take care of New York City’s vagrants, many of whom just want to be vagrants.

But I guess for AOC, if the government is in for a penny it’s in for a pound.  A $1.8 Trillion bailout or a $34 Trillion Green New Deal, what’s the difference?

Next, we turn to Rashida “Blood Libel” Talib:

Tlaib proposes minting two $1 trillion platinum coins to finance monthly coronavirus debit cards


Rep. Rashida Tlaib has proposed sending everyone in the United States $1,000 per month to counter the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Michigan Democrat’s plan would be financed by having the Federal Reserve create new money on behalf of the Treasury. To skirt the federal debt limit, the U.S. Mint would create two $1 trillion coins, and the Treasury would deposit them in its account at the Fed.

Under Tlaib’s proposal, everyone in the U.S., including illegal immigrants, would receive a $2,000 debit card immediately, either through the mail or by having a dedicated government corps seek them out. Families would receive that amount for each family member. The cards would then be refilled with $1,000 monthly until one year after the end of the crisis.

This is straight out of the Zimbabwean economic textbook.

Do you know what will happen the day after the mint mints two trillion dollar coins?

Toilet paper goes up to $10 a roll and stays there.  Milk is $15 a gallon instead of $1.5 a gallon, and it will cost $400 to fill up my tank.

Just as Venezuelans how much they love their fourteen-million Bolivar chickens?

Maybe she can look up what happened in Weimar Germany where it was cheaper to light a stove with marks than to buy matches with them.

Also, giving $1,000 per month to illegals with no border security (Tlaib is pro-open borders) would bankrupt America overnight as everyone came to the US for free money.

Lastly, we have Ilhan “it’s all the fault of the JOOOOS” Omar.

Instead of minting two trillion in coins, she wants to pay off just shy of two trillion in debt.

I’m not sure what student loan debt has to do with the Coronavirus but she wants to pay it off.

Then there is the banning of evictions and foreclosures.  For how long?  Just for the month that the government shut down our economy or forever?

What will that do to the housing market?  How many people will just say “fuck it” and not pay the way they did back in 2008 when people found themselves upside down on their mortgages and decided not to pay.

I can’t think of anything that will drag us out of our economic downturn like a housing market crash to dwarf the one twelve years ago.

At this point, all I can assume is that this is malicious.  They have to know that what they want will irrevocably destroy the American economy.


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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “The Squad apparently all studied economics abroad in Zimbabwe”
  1. I own three houses. One I live in, the other two I rent out. The day after this passes, I go bankrupt and my entire life savings are destroyed. Why? My tenants will immediately stop paying. Not needing two houses, I would need to sell the two spares. Only I can’t, because no bank is going to lend money to people with no collateral.
    So now, here I am with two houses that have renters in them who aren’t paying but I can’t evict, but house payments to pay. If I don’t pay them, you better believe that my bank will sue me. I can’t declare bankruptcy, or the bankruptcy court will sell my paid off house (the one I live in) and take every dime I have to pay off the bank.

  2. I have to disagree with one point. These progressives are not deliberately and maliciously trying to destroy the US. (Although, they would not be terribly upset if that was an outcome of all of this)

    Their economic mindset is a colonial one. It is one were wealth is based on an inflexible and rigid commodity, like land. The more land someone had control over, the richer/wealthier they are. And, in order to have more land, you had to take it from someone. Ergo… rich people are stealing from the average worker attitude.

    As soon as paper currency stopped being linked directly to gold, or some other non-fungible asset, that reality disappeared.

    But, their socialist professors in college did not teach them that. Net result, they think money is somehow fixed, and for me to have some, I have to take it from you. (Which is true in a financial transaction, but I also provide goods or services that you desire.) They also have an attitude that if the government is going to help out one industry, they need to help out all of them. Including the poor students that were robbed by their colleges.

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