I always have to smile at people like this:

I smile not at the smug face of the True Believer, but at the future face of sheer surprise when she finally tastes real pain and violence when she tries to act out the bullshit she spews on the wrong person. A dumb little idiot who got herself viral threatening people with grave bodily harm will find herself at the wrong end of the handcuffs, with a bleeding face and generalized bruises all over he body feeling a pain much worse than her collagen shots and nothing she can do about it.

And it is coming.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “The Surprised Face”
    1. “She’s gonna end up gut-shot.”

      If she’s lucky.

      She tries that crap on someone who’s has had enough of the libtard bullshit & threats, she could end up with a new hole in that smug face of hers.

  1. She is a Government major at Harvard which means she will have a golden ticket to the halls of power. She won’t get shot. She will write bills for members of Congress to send people who say “All Lives Matter” to prison for hate crimes.

    1. For one thing, the powers that be at Harvard are supporting and encouraging this kind of hate speech. Discrimination is what they do; they only ask that you discriminate the approved way.
      Also, remember that Harvard is in MA, where self defense is frowned upon. Now if she tried that kind of thing in NH, she’d certainly be likely to suffer for it and not get any legal sympathy. But in fact, it’s 99.44% certain that her words are just empty bluster, virtue signaling for her fellow left wing fanatics.

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