I saw this in The Floridian and after laughing, I had to share.

“As a candidate, I can tell you, we listen to two kinds of people. The people who give us money and the people who give us votes. You don’t give me your vote or your money, I don’t gotta listen to you.”- Pam Keith

And to make matters worse, a sign in the background did not help her cause much.

Somebody has to tell Ms. Keith that if elected (hopefully not), she is duty bound to serve all Floridians and not the ones that opened their checkbooks for her.

But it has never been about serving people but to achieve power with politicians like her.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “The sweet sexy irony: Pam Keith.”
  1. “Young Turks” is a group named after a notorious genocidal movement from a century ago. But will she disavow them? No, only conservatives are required to disavow support from undesirables, and then when they do their words are ignored.

    1. I don’t know which is worse, from this voter’s perspective … someone who can talk better but chooses not to in an attempt to sound “authentic” or “real,” or someone who can’t.

      Either disinclines me to vote for the candidate.

  2. This is a level of irony right up there with the “Black Lives Matter” sign outside the Planned Parenthood office.

    In the spirit of “It’s just Boris” above, it makes you wonder which is worse: that they’re smart enough to see the disconnect but choose to disregard it because they think you’re too dumb to see it, or that they’re not smart enough to see it.

    Neither bodes well.

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