This happened in Philadelphia yesterday:

One guy in a mask, wielding a framing hammer, smashes the windows out of a car.  Other people, cursing and threatening the driver, kick large dents into the side of the car.

They stick around continuing to threaten the driver and his dog.

Yes, that driver was another Antifa supporter, but in the commotion, Antifa misidentified him as a “Nazi” as there were rumors that Proud Boys were coming to Philly.

Since all it takes for the mob to go after someone is one person in the mob pointing and screaming “Nazi,” the details of that individual don’t really matter.  It could be you, walking down the street, minding your own business and if you are identified as a Nazi, the mob will come for you.

So put yourself in that position.  You have been targeted by the mob.  Men with weapons (a framing hammer and a rock at a minimum) are smashing out your windows.  You are surrounded.

Pennsylvania is a concealed carry state.


The Philadelphia DA is a man named Larry Krasner.  George Soros dumped money into his campaign to win the seat.  Krasner is a Social Justice DA, which means he’s not prosecuting a wide range of crimes and the results have been “disastrous” for Philadelphia.

So you know that he sides with Antifa.  The mob is also recording your license plate, and you know that they will doxx you, come to your house, and shine lasers in your windows and smash your stuff, maybe even try to burn it down.

So with all that in your mind, what do you do?

Risk having your head caved in with a framing hammer or do you accept that you WILL do to prison because the DA is a partisan hack and Antifa runs the prosecutors office?

The correct answer right now is: tuck your tail between your legs and run, hoping you don’t get killed, because the system is absolutely stacked against you.

If you feel like you are screaming inside and your skin is crawling, it’s because never before does it feel like we are all jammed so tightly between a rock and a hard place.

I don’t know how this ends but I do know people can’t live like this forever.

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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “The terrifying reality of Antifa”
  1. One good thing, though: the target being one of their own shows that, at least this time, they successfully identified a Fascist.
    … I’m glad we got out of California before 2020 happened! (And I hope I won’t be needing that backhoe that I refrained from buying.)

  2. This is what happens in a Communist coup: There are segments of the government that side with the insurgents. The areas of the country that are controlled by those segments are to be considered occupied territory.

    For right now, the smartest thing is to leave all Democrat controlled cities. I left the one I lived in six years ago. The war has begun. Do your best to not be trapped behind enemy lines.

    1. That was the problem with the Kyle Rittenhouse shootings. He was caught accidentally behind enemy lines and they tried to take him out…Now we wait to see if an innocent boy goes to jail for preventing his own death.

  3. In a situation like that, if you end up with no choice but to shoot to preserve your life, then you may as well take care of as much business as you can. They’re all free after that first one.

    I’m truly thankful that I live in a (so far) sane area.

    1. Same here, Scott.

      At this point, if the government flunkies want to join the party, so be it. Hope they’re insured.

    2. Exactly my thought too Scott. If I’m in that situation and I’m going to be charged hard no matter what I do, and its my life or body in danger – I’m taking as many out as possible. I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

  4. Andrew Branca says in his “Law of Self Defense” class that you should only draw your weapon if know that you’d make the same choice knowing with absolute certainty that you’ll spend the next 20 years in prison.

    That way of looking at it provides a lot of clarity.

  5. At some point, and is it EVER going to be unpleasant, but at some point these traitorous prosecutors and judges WILL have to be dealt with. Watch yourselves out there folks.

  6. On the other hand, this could be a useful counter-tactic? Point at a random commie and yell “F’ing NAZI!!!” then sit back an watch the chaos. Think it could work?

    1. This thread gave me an idea.
      Infiltrate an antifa mob (shouldn’t be hard, wear a lot of black and red) with a pocket full of trip stickers. Discreetly slap em on backpacks a la “kick me” in the old days and watch the magic happen.
      It sounds retarded, but…

  7. @FormerPastaFiend: This will be how it gets resolved.

    When politicians, DAs, or Co-opted Police Chiefs, realize that if they are derelict in their duties, or specifically malicious towards the average citizen, and then find their worthless hides in danger; then they will enforce the laws and the riots end.

    It might come to that in the future. They will be legitimate targets in ACW2.

  8. I wonder how long it will take before fed-up victims decide to give BLAmtifa supporting DA’s a taste of the rules they’ve forced to rest of us to live under.

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