If it is official and Biden won the election, the thing that scares me the most is that it all worked.

Followers of this blog know that four years ago I wasn’t a Trump supporter.

In the intervening time, he won me over.  The economy shot up under his presidency.  He actually took on our trade imbalance with China.  He really supported Israel and scored major peace deals in the Middle East.  He killed the real bad guys that were hurting our troops overseas, he had major successes.  I voted for him on Tuesday.

During that time, he was attacked mercilessly in a conspiracy between corrupt members of our bureaucratic state, the elected Democrats, the news media, social media, and social influencers/celebrities.

It has become absolutely and undeniably clear that the Trump Russia conspiracy was a hoax.  It was fabricated by Hillary Clinton and known by the Obama Whitehouse.  Those lies were leaked to the press, the DOJ used those published lies as evidence, the evidence leaked to the press, and around and around it went.

Nevertheless, the narrative was set that Trump was “a puppet of Putin” and “a Russian agent.”

In the early part of 2020, Trump was being impeached by the House Democrats for totally fictitious reasons, right when the Coronavirus was making its way here.

The initial projections were over 2.2 million dead, while the Democrats attacked the travel ban as racist and xenophobic.  The greatest American economy was scuttled on purpose because of these projections.  Then immediately it was all retconned, where the narrative was that Trump failed to manage the virus, all the deaths were preventable had Trump acted, no culpability fell on governors, and the current economy is Trump’s fault, as though all his pre-COVID policies didn’t work.

Harvard’s review of the media coverage on Trump showed 95% of that was negative.  Fifty-seven minutes out of every hour of Trump coverage was negative.

In the video of the federal employee Zoom call I posted, actual federal employees said how they leaked all the damaging stuff they could to the press.  Federal employees used their on-the-clock time to undermine him.

Google manipulated search results against him, Facebook and Twitter censored conservatives.

Celebrities used every moment in front of the camera that they could to attack him.

They pulled out every stop and through every sort of fuckery, destroyed the most effective administration this country has had since Ronald Reagan.

There was nothing so unethical they didn’t do it.  No place too low they wouldn’t go there.  No sewer too filthy that they wouldn’t muckrake in it.  No lie to absurd they wouldn’t say it.

And if Biben wins, it all worked.  There is no honor in this, it is win at all costs.

And if they did it to Trump, that could do it to anyone of us.



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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “The thing that frightens me the most about a Biden victory is that it all worked.”
  1. And they haven’t given up on the Trump-bashing yet. If anything, it has gotten even shriller. I suppose they need to make sure the populace coalesces against him to make sure he challenges don’t make any headway.
    The only bright note is that they’ve already started their campaign to get more Senate seats when the time comes. They are loudly ranting that the GOP Senate is sure to sabotage Harris (er….Biden, I mean) at every step of the way, “break every norm and every standard of ethical behavior to stonewall his policies” (I can only hope so, but if we are reduced to relying on the backbone of the GOP, we’re in trouble). No doubt this is also meant to scare the Senate into “good behavior” by getting people prematurely worked up against them.
    So the Senate is still ours, which will nullify much of Har….Biden’s threat (hopefully), and the race was close, which means that MAGA may not be dead yet. If Trump could ALMOST win after everything, then maybe another, even better candidate could rise in his footsteps. IF the GOP does their job and prevents Harris from hamstringing the Republicans before the next election.
    The list of things the Washington Post was bemoaning could never get done really wake one up to the bullet we (hopefully) dodged by retaining the Senate. “No destruction of the filibuster; no Voting Rights Act; no single payer healthcare! All is lost!” they cry. And no dissolution of the Electoral College, no Assault Weapons Ban, no Universal Gun Registration, no dissolving the Senate, no packing the courts.
    And of course they shouted that the Senate and Trump will jam as many judges as they can possibly fit into every vacant spot before January, AND they would refuse to confirm any of Harris’ Federal appointments. I’ll be happy if the GOP even does half of what they are wailing about.

  2. Serious me without my usual self admitted insane hyperbole. I think it worked TOO well for them. The fraud is so transparent we are as a nation literally watching an election being stolen and they think they are blocking our view of what they did with with a stone wall when it’s really a window.“Win at all costs“ means they do not care about the consequences. And I don’t think they realize the act of stealing this election is going to cause for them. I don’t think the media understands the long-term consequences of what this stolen election will cost them. What it has already cost them.

    If Biden wins literally half the country if not more is going to feel completely disenfranchised and view the government as illegitimate. And they are going to view future Democrat victories as fraud and illegitimate. How is that going to affect the Democrat party going forward? It probably won’t; they can easily rig every election going forward but I don’t think that’s gonna work long-term either.

    The Machine and system they have created to win at all costs will eventually turn on them and I think the backlash in the coming years is going to be tremendous. They were sloppy now with their cover-up of the theft of the election; what’s going to happen in the next couple years when people start realizing what actually happened? Not us. We know what happened. But the country at large? What’s going to happen when they realize they can’t blame orange man for everything?

  3. We’ve been headed towards a crackup for almost 2 decades, that I have been aware of. Maybe it started earlier. Trump pushed us back. Given four more years of a strong economy maybe we’d really have come back together. Biden, should he win, will certainly do everything he can to undo the work Trump has done. If he succeeds, then in my opinion the fracturing of our nation is a near certainty.

  4. As I noted in a previous comment/post, what can be done about it?

    Expose the sham? How, when the news media, social media, and at least 50% of the population is in on it or does not care?

    This election does not bode well for the future of the USA. If this large of a percentage of the population wants what the Dems are selling, their plan for the country is inevitable.

    Unfortunately, where else is there? Where is freedom and individual rights still supported?

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