From Reuters:

Biden’s defense secretary pick pledges to ‘rid our ranks of racists and extremists’

Retired Army General Lloyd Austin said on Tuesday that he would work to rid “racists and extremists” from the ranks of the U.S. military, mend alliances and focus strategically on China if confirmed as President-elect Joe Biden’s defense secretary.

Austin would become America’s first Black defense secretary and has declared his intention to improve diversity within the U.S. military, which is diverse in the lower ranks but largely white and male at the top.

“If confirmed, I will fight hard to stamp out sexual assault, to rid our ranks of racists and extremists, and to create a climate where everyone fit and willing has the opportunity to serve this country with dignity,” Austin, 67, said at his confirmation hearing.

That is a nice-sounding talking point for the media, but the trick is in how the military defines “extremist.”


Do you have an NRA membership and a Gadsden flag?  If you are reading this blog, you probably do.  Congratulations, you are too much of an extremist for the US military.

The insidious part is how they lump things like Q-Anon in with the NRA or the Patriot Guard Riders.

Remember that the Patriot Guard Riders started as a way of protecting military families from having to listen to harassment by the Westboro Baptist Church.  They would surround those incestuous shit-stains and rev their Harley engines so their message could not be heard.

The new standard for what constitutes an extremist overlaps with a lot of mainstream Conservatism.

This is clearly a push to force O’Sullivan’s law at every level.

They have no desire to ferret out other forms of extremism.

From the news today:

Sting nabs U.S. soldier in plot to aid ISIS attack on 9/11 Memorial, feds say

A U.S. soldier was nabbed by an undercover FBI employee in a plot to help ISIS plan attacks on New York City landmarks including the 9/11 Memorial, prosecutors charged Tuesday.

Bridges, 20, offered to share Army training materials and went so far as to record a video of himself in body armor in front of an ISIS flag, prosecutors said.

Where is the big push to find all the military personnel with radical Islamist sympathies?

After Nidal Hassan committed his terrorist attack at Ft. Hood, we were reminded that there is NOT a problem with Muslims serving in the US military and anyone who was suspicious was an Islamophobic bigot.

Bradley Manning joined the military, was a poor soldier, and was resentful, then leaked military secrets in what could only be described as treason.

He changed his identity to Chelsea Manning and was honored by a Vogue photoshoot and was offered a position at Harvard.

Did the military make a push to go after Leftists in uniform with gender identity issues?

Nope.  In fact, the Left decided to die on the hill of making sure soldiers could transition in uniform if they wanted.

Spenser Rapone wore a Che shirt under his blouse at his West Point graduation and wrote “Communism will win” inside of his cap.

Did the military go about trying to figure out how a full-fledged anti-Government communist got into West Point and who his cohorts were and how he managed to fly under the radar for years?

Nope.  No purge of communists in the military.

Then there is Charlotte Clymer, where the Venn Diagram of Communist and emotionally disturbed Transender overlap.

None of these acts make the DOD sort through the social media and personal lives of soliders to figure out who supports Socialism or Communism or Antifa or ISIS or who has the sort of emotional problems that would make them turn on their fellow soldiers.

But if you post a picture of yourself at the range in an NRA shirt on Facebook, the Big Green Weenie is going to fuck your military career to death.

12 Army National Guard members removed from inauguration duty

Twelve Army National Guard members have been removed from inauguration duty in Washington, DC, as part of the security vetting process initiated, in part, to ensure troops tasked with securing Wednesday’s ceremony in the nation’s capital do not have ties to extremist groups, the Chief of the National Guard Bureau said Tuesday.

Two of the individuals were flagged due to “inappropriate” comments and texts, Army Gen. Daniel Hokanson told reporters after a defense official told CNN earlier Tuesday that they were removed over possible links to extremists.
The other 10 Guard members were removed for questionable behavior found in the vetting process, Hokanson said, emphasizing that this does not necessarily mean they have ties to extremists, but simply that they were “identified” and removed from service “out of an abundance of caution.”

inappropriate text messages.  These guys are fucked.

By the time this is done, this will no longer be a US army.  This will be a DNC army and Conservative America will be its enemy.



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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “The US military will officially be the Democrat military”
  1. The only shining light here is that within a year or two, a significant number of recruits will be signing up to get free sex change surgery. The military won’t be worried about crackdowns so much as being a free sex change spa.
    The Army’s new recruiting slogan: La militia de maricon

  2. We saw an uptick in this during the Clinton years after the administration was upset that many would refuse unconstitutional orders to fire on citizens as part of a gun round up and martial law.

    It continued through the Bush jr years as top brass tried to surround themselves with yes men who could boost them up and later into a cozy consulting gig and promote people who would later owe them.

    During the Obama years they dropped any attempts at hiding it and began openly purging anyone who wasn’t on board with the administrations goals, warfighting readiness be damned, many good enlisted got out on their own in disgust.

    I expect to see our military go the route or France or Russia in the early nth centuries where officer rank was granted as a political favor or reserved for connected families and troops are distrusted and treated worse than dogs. Several associates have reported that MPs with an officer babysitter have been camping out around the armories and motor pools for a while now with the blue falcons circling.

  3. Regarding following unconstitutional orders, and fighting against citizens.

    I look at it this way. POC are constantly told the bogeyman of white supremacy lives under their bed. They are told they can’t trust white people, ever, in any circumstance.

    So filling military, and police, with more POC, will make it easier for a force to do biden’s, and camala’s, bidding because they already believe the constitution is a racist document, this country is racist through and through, and white people benefit exclusively.

    Need to round up guns from white people no problem.

    Need a crack down that results in a Ruby Ridge? Who cares. Waco? Who cares.

    Its a variation of what the Roman Empire reportedly did. Used troops from area A against people in area B, because area A is culturally and racially different from area B, and they won’t resist fighting ‘others’ like they would if they were area A.

    1. As I recall, the Soviets did something similar. Bring in Uzbek troops to keep Moscow under control, or something along those lines.

  4. By the time this is done, this will no longer be a US army. This will be a DNC army and Conservative America will be its enemy.

    Feature, not bug.

    In fact, it’s probably the whole point.

    Any Republican who gets elected after Gropy Joe will have to contend with a military that is largely loyal to his predecessor instead of the country.

    Sure, Gropy Joe Biden and VP Fellatia Harris benefit personally from a military loyal to the person and not the Constitution, but the real purpose is to make it as difficult as possible (or impossible, if they can manage it) for any future Republicans/conservatives to lead effectively.

    Remember, “Progressives” are playing a long game. Any short-term benefit is great, but overshadowed by the desire for long-term domination.

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