This is from the official Twitter account of the US Navy:


They put a mask on the eagle.

A fucking mask on the Eagle of the United States.

The same US Navy that once got sunk at Pearl Harbor, turned around, rebuilt the fleet, then put the entire Tojo navy on the bottom of the ocean in four years.  The same Navy that braved the Nazi U-Boats of the Atlantic to supply the war effort in Europe.  The US Navy that prepared at a moment’s notice to rain thermonuclear death onto the Soviet Union from the cold, pressing, silence of the deep.

They are afraid of a fucking virus with a more than 99.9% survivability rate for anyone young and healthy enough to serve in the US Navy.  When COVID broke out on the USS Roosevelt, there were 1,156 cases, three hospitalizations, and one death.

But the Navy is so scared that they had to pervert the symbol of the United States Navy and virtue signal with it.

The Navy is under the command of cowards.

If it can be intimidated by a virus it won’t be able to stand up to a real enemy that will cause more casualties than COVID.

He who controls the seas controls the world, and clearly, we have given up control of the seas to fucking ChiCom cough.

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By J. Kb

18 thoughts on “The US Navy falls to virtue signaling”
  1. Ridiculous. How stupid!

    Obviously they don’t have the cojones to stand up to the enemy. They want to placate them.

  2. The picture shows a young guy in the open air with a cloth mask. Follow the science! The science says cloth masks don’t do squat for corona virus.

    Thanks for taking a stand!

  3. Look it’s not like the navy even needs ships anymore. We’re certainly NOT going to fight the ChiComs, they already won by buying the election of Biden with Fraud.

    So spending money on ships is a waste of resources.

    And if there is any justice, all these woke corcsuckers will drwon when they run their ship into a merchant vessel and sink.

  4. Maybe the Navy should spend more time on navigation training, right of way drills and kicking PRC submarines around rather than playing mask games.

  5. As mentioned by Bill, I love the fact that the Navy requires this young sailor, who is out on deck, by himself, in the fresh air, in the middle of nowhere…to wear a mask. And I doubt it is virtue signaling for the picture, I am sure he is required to wear it at all times. :-/ On the plus side, it might keep is face warm….

  6. They are afraid of a fucking virus with a more than 99.9% survivability rate for anyone young and healthy enough to serve in the US Navy. When COVID broke out on the USS Roosevelt, there were 1,156 cases, three hospitalizations, and one death.

    Sorry that you’re triggered by this, but the US Navy has been trying to prevent the spread of contagious diseases within its ranks for quite some time. An illness can be non-fatal and still affect combat readiness–the flu, gonorrhea, whatever.

  7. And even the one death on the Roosevelt was a death WITH Covid, as the deceased died suddenly after testing for Covid. Thats not how Covid kills a man in his thirties, or in his seventies for that matter

    And Im guessing the three hospitalizations may have been due to an abundance of caution

  8. And eben the one death on the Roosevelt was a desth WITH Covid, as the deceased died suddenly after testing for Covid. Thats not how Covid kills amsn in his thirties, or in his seventies for that matter

    And Im guessing the three hospitalizations may have been due to an abundance of caution

  9. The US Navy, as with all of the armed services, is run by politicians, not warriors.

    They care about their careers and covering their 6 o’clocks, not about combat readiness, lethality or effectiveness.

    If they don’t mandate masks at all times, they’ll be blamed for every sailor who turns up in sick bay with the kung flu, so whether they think it works or not…masks for everyone. It’s the politically correct thing to do.

    Some PR flack probably thought the mask on the eagle was cute. In less ridiculous times, they’d probably be disciplined for defacing the emblem of the US Navy. Conduct unbecoming and all that…

    As it is they probably got an award.

  10. I am adamantly in favor of mask usage to reduce the spread of a disease that has killed half a million Americans, but nevertheless I consider this a desecration of the symbol of the United States.

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