I can almost hear my leftwinger neighbor calling DHS and reporting a Right Wing Terrorist. But you must get your fun wherever you can.
I have seen more and more cars down here with Gadsden flag stickers, and the faces inside the car were galleta rather than cracker.
you could hang another one that said ” INFIDEL “
Hmmm – would proper flag etiquette call for the Infidel flag to be above or below the Gadsden??? Inquiring minds want to know………….
My bumper sticker say “Proud to be an Infidel” in both English and Arabic.
Here in Texas, when my 15mpg, Southern Rock and Heavy Metal blaring Jeep roars past Eco-douches in Prii, listening to world music, the last thing they see on my bumper is a sticker with the Texas flag and the word “SECEDE” on it.
now THAT is comedy and rational political statement all in one. Comedy because of course that sticker makes heads explode. 🙂