This is in Italy from what I can gather in the video. I guess the medical personnel is as badly overworked by the “second” wave of the Wuhan V. as their counterparts in the US.
Now, I did not forget that when the Kung Flu initially hit in the land of Leonardo, the bodies of the elderly were decomposing at home because nobody in the government could come up with an ambulance, a panel truck or even pay for an Uber to bring the sick to the hospital because they were “overwhelmed.”

I guess choreography is very demanding.

And another “Overwhelmed medical personnel” video emerges.

And this one looks it happened here in the good Ole US of A. I just looked it up and the standard of care is supposed to be one nurse per six patients. So either there are a bunch of empty beds or about 100 patients were left without proper supervision while this “gracious and brave” video was being recorded.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “The Virus Faux Panic is truly international (Update)”
  1. Yeah, I’m not sure of the goals of such videos. Hospital staff are real people? Let’s have a bit of fun? Raise morale? I dunno.

    It’s not quite fair to infer that because hospitals were swamped with cases at some point that they would _never_ have any time for a mildly amusing dance video. Just sayin’.

  2. My perspective, from 40 + years as an RN, on the order of 30 of them in ED or ICU: if we had a “Q” night, we sure as hell would NOT be making videos.

    Reading (something we could put down right quick), or conversing, yes.

    Because Job 1 is patient care. And, if the patient drops on us abruptly, gotta be ready to go.

    So, in a world where nurses and clinicians are laid off, making videos simply convinces administration that more layoffs are needful.

  3. Those poor overworked hospitals. I seem to remember lots of layoffs and “restructuring”….
    but maybe I be old and senile…

  4. It’s pretty bad in my hometown, but that is largely because all the young people left the farming communities in the 90s and early 00’s so the average age there is in the late 50’s. Lots of people with minor longterm chronic health issues getting very sick and not many younger people to offset these numbers.

  5. Over on Divemedic’s site, he and someone else said standard of care for ICU is 1:1, but some places in Florida allow 1:2 nurse patients. If these are ICU nurses, there’s a lot more patients being ignored.

    1. Why do they keep doing it, knowing the likely reaction?
      Because kings don’t care what the peasants think. And they’ve been told they are kings and queens, the most important people in America because they’re MEDICAL.
      Of course, Pantifa/BLM believes THEY are the rulers, instead. As did La Raza and the Kluxxers and OWS and every other puppet group the communists known as the Democratic Party of America have put forward as frontman and patsy.

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