Trump saw the World Health Organization’s totally incompetent, Chinese lickspittle response to the Coronavirus outbreak and decided to defund it.

Reflexively, the Left started their caterwauling of “how dare Trump defund such a vital organization!”

Then, in the single most tone-deaf, Trump justifying, hold me beer act anyone could imagine, the WHO announced this:

The WHO is collaborating with Lady Gaga for a concert staring every celebrity you forgot existed and stopped giving a shit about during the Coronacrisis.

As people’s focus has been consumed by important things, like trying to survive financially in these trying times, and mourning the loss of those who died of a virus, Hollywood and the music industry have been suffering mightily from a lack of attention, which is the sustenance that sustains them.

They have untied in the most impossibly bad way to use the Coronavirus outbreak to make themselves the center of attention.

Their message couldn’t be clearer: “While you people at home are making masks and donating food to doctors, nurses, and first responders on the front lines against the Coronavirus, won’t you think about the poor, ignored, millionaire celebrities?”

The only thing that could get me to watch this would be if all these celebrities were trapped on an island with a bunch of Coronavirus patients and told to fight to the death for the one available N95 mask.

The fact is, this bullshit proves that Trump cannot defund the WHO fast enough.

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By J. Kb