Fantastic!!!  I can’t wait for the return of $4 per gallon gas to give the economy another swift kick to the balls.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “The worst days of Obama are coming back”
  1. Democrat Governor Whitmer is shutting down Enbridge Line 5 in Michigan. That will really cause supply trouble for refineries in Ontario and Quebec; and shut down another market for Western Canadian crude.

    I fully expect the democrats to stop the Enbridge Line 3 pipeline replacement in Minnesota too. Because it is better to ship petroleum in corroded 40 year old pipelines or in trains full of tank cars than in brand new pipelines. Environmentally Aware don’t you know.

  2. What Im curious about is goverment “shutting down” business…. why dont they ignore it when obviously its done just for spite. Gas here has already gone up .30-.50 cents a gallon. GAWD people are stupid

    1. They want you do pay more and drive less. That is until you buy an electric car and they can’t get their gas tax money, they then freak out and figure out how to tax you per mile. The point is to harm working people who drive to modify your behavior.

      1. The issue they are concerned about is the fact that, with a car, you can go where you want when you want. Conversely, with “public transportation”, you can only go where they want, at times they permit (if any).

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