There is an unbelievable amount of propaganda and bullshit surrounding the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Everything from NATO adoption to US/Ukrainian bioweapons labs.

I’m believe deeply in Occam’s Razor, and seek out the simplest rational explanation for things.

Putin came to power in 2000.  He is an old KGB agent who deeply believes in the old Soviet system.

For the old Soviet Russians, they look longingly at a time when the Soviet Union was a global superpower; before Russia became a failing nation ranked 57 by per capita GDP, a birthrate below replacement, and one of the highest opiate addiction problems in the world.

He wants Soviet strength once again.

He wants Ukraine for the same reasons Stalin did: lots of farm land, abundant natural resources, and warm water ports.

Stalin killed Ukrainian civilians to try and break them into being obedient Soviet citizens.  Putin is pulling the same play from the same book.

There is no 4-D chess here.  It’s 1917 all over again.

As Russian repeats one of its worst parts of history, the Western World has decided to do so as well.  Namely, the interwar period.


Russian citizens are being destroyed and destroyed discriminated against for the actions of their government.

Russian athletes are being ejected from competition and Russian cats can’t compete in cat shows.

None of this hurts Putin.

After WWI, the world isolated and discriminated against Germany and hurt German citizens because the German government invaded Belgium and France.

This led to the hyperinflation of the Weimer papiermark, the collapse of the Weimar Republic, the election of Adolf Hitler, the rise of the Third Reich, and WWII.

So, the Western World is going to isolate and discriminate against Russian civilians because Putin invaded Ukraine until Russia.  It’s going to break the Russian people, crush their economy, and drive them into povery.

What comes next is a Russian Hitler who overtly states he wants to build a Second Soviet Union, one so powerful enough that the rest of the world can’t crush it.

Go read the translation of early Hitler speeches.  He tapped into a legitimate German grievance about what the world was doing to the German people.

This time, Russian Hitler has nukes and the backing of China.

I’m not saying let Russian conquer Ukraine.

I’m just saying taking your anger against Putin out by tormenting Russian civilians from your moral high horse is a bad fucking idea.

Don’t get mad at me and call me a Russian puppet.

I’m just seeing patterns in history unfold.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “the worst of WWI history is repeating itself over Ukraine”
  1. You don’t like the new, now global, American Protective League?
    Disloyalty! Sedition! Treason! Off to the camps with you and all your family and friends!
    Edith Wilson shall hear of this!
    Ukraine! Ikraine! Weallkraine! Up with the West Slavs, and down with the East Slavs!
    If the Russians didn’t want to be punished, they shouldn’t have kept voting for Putin!
    (Have I displayed my loyalty enough? Can I go back to watching Garage 54 now?)

  2. Sorry, but that is what fascists, communists, leftists, demoncrats, Satan & his demons do (I know, I repeated myself five times), fuck shit up. Why be surprised?

  3. Short term, Putin will be fine. Long term, Russia will suffer, but Vladimir will be dead before it really hits.
    It’s possible Russia will join North Korea as a backwards backwater pariah state utterly dependent on China- with all the benefits that entails (it’s like becoming business partners with Big Paulie from ‘Goodfellas’)

  4. I can’t really dispute any of your points. But how do we hurt Putin without hurting the people?

  5. The propaganda is used to provide cover for the various actors involved, provide justification for their actions. They try a slew of different things to see if anything sticks, they proceed with that as part of their narrative.

    I do believe you are correct that all the pressure being applied on Russia is going to cause them to collapse and then ultimately rise up again, probably much worse. I’m not sure that it will be a Putin successor. I still have concerns that if he fails taking Ukraine, or is backed into a corner what he might do. All the people talking about more weapons, air strikes and no fly zones need to take a pause a consider what the ramifications might be. What is happening to the Ukrainian people is tragic, but adding more countries to the mix will only make things worse.

  6. “ As Russian repeats one of its worst parts of history, the Western World has decided to do so as well. Namely, the interwar period.”

    These are Our Betters.

    Your suppose to just let the dirt people shale pitchforks, dump stoli they bought? and yell death to Iran???? !!
    Not You.

    There is suppose to be, Some Level Of Sanity left…
    How do ya think ya end it?
    Less of course, You are willing to kill Every Russian? …

    Ref-TO the Genius of “Pissin” on everyday Russians…

    How TF, did this become Personal With The Everyday Russian???
    YOU STOLE THERE MONEY. Real smart.
    BIG, F&$cin Mistake, imo.

    I “get” what the West is tryin…
    Why Not Juggle Homebrew Nitro???
    How Very High Scrool betters.

    There are some dumbass narcists in power or wannabe.

    What a Grrrreeat Shoe.

  7. No American should blame all Russians for Putin, else they blame all Americans for Biden.

  8. Eric Wilner (above) has a very good point about the American Protective League. Imagine 250,000 Good, Loyal American Citizens from the Better Classes working directly for the Department of Justice rooting out German Kaiser Sympathizers? What is a German Sympathizer? Well maybe they are Anti-European War, or Anti-Draft, or simply wondering why Americans are dying in a war fighting for Britain and France? There were also the “Four Minute Men,” giving 7,500,000 speeches propagandizing for the war, the draft, Liberty Bonds, and Mom and Apple Pie.

    Sound familiar? Rather than the American Protective League and 4 Minute Men, think FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, and the TV News.

    I never knew about Woodrow Wilson* and his determination to get the US into WW1, AND I never knew about Woodrow Wilson crushing all opposition to the War in Europe. I first read about it in “The Great Influenza.”
    They were so determined to fight the war in Europe, they refused to quarantine the troops, and kept shipping soldiers across the US. They were shipping soldiers from training camps filled with soldiers sick and dying from Influenza. The flu spread from training camp to the cities and the next camp by ill soldiers. the Soldiers got sick on the troop transports, in France and Britain, and then the Influenza spread throughout Europe.

  9. “For the old Soviet Russians, they look longingly at a time when the Soviet Union was a global superpower; before Russia became a failing nation ranked 57 by per capita GDP, a birthrate below replacement, and one of the highest opiate addiction problems in the world.”

    Add in “gender identity bullshit” and it sounds like another country I know…..

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