U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs of the Bureau of Justice Statistics released this little jewel called Firearm Violence, 1993-2011. Apparently most of the Major Media Conglomerates did not get the email and neither did the Usual Gun Control groups.
Here are some of the Highlights (their word, not mine, italics mine):
- Firearm-related homicides declined 39%, from 18,253 in1993 to 11,101 in 2011. (Unimpossible! Murders are going up. It is the Wild West!)
- In 2004, among state prison inmates who possessed a gunat the time of offense, less than 2% bought their firearm at a flea market or gun show and 40% obtained their firearm from an illegal source. (There goes the Gun Show Loophole)
- About 70% to 80% of firearm homicides and 90% of nonfatal firearm victimizations were committed with a handgun from 1993 to 2011. (But what about the Eeevil Assault Weapons?)
I am gonna take my time and digest the stats as it is not my forte. But it does make for an interesting reading. Make sure to download the report and pass it along to your friends, specially those who might be leaning towards the dark side.
Thanks to Robert The K. for the file.
Don Kaul has been at it again. http://otherwords.org/no-progress-on-gun-control-to-report/ With this column http://otherwords.org/the-new-agenda-on-guns-we-need-after-newtown/ he showed the whole Gun Control Playbook. The dude’s a better spokesman against gun control than Wayne LaPierre. After saying we should be called terrorists and killed, he walked it back with this http://otherwords.org/deploying-satire-at-my-own-risk/. It was just satire.
No friend, when you threaten to kill me and advocate killing Congressmen, it’s not satire, it’s a threat.
We need sensible controls on the First Amendment. All journalists need to be registered and pass a test. (I have a J degree, am a Thesis shy of a Masters and have been in the bidness 30 years. I despise most of those in my profession.) Journalists should be subject to reasonable limitations: Tandy 2000 computers and dial up Internet. And, Miguel, you’d have to pass the test.
Kaul’s screed “deploying satire at my own risk” originally appeared in the Des Moines Register. That’s the paper he retired from. The outrage was massive. They haven’t printed anything from that asshat since. Even the gun haters at the Register are smart enough to know you listen to the comments of your readers. Especially since hundreds were outrage by the old turds screed and threats.
Here’s his original article; http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20121230/OPINION01/312300033/1036/OPINION01/Kaul-Nation-needs-new-agenda-guns
It generated over 900 comments, most of them positive toward guns.
What you say? Criminals don’t go to publicized events with large numbers of people?
As my Liberal roommate says, “T3h hecks, you say!”
If you haven’t already Glen Becks new book Control covers this very well, I am almost done with it. Brilliant. http://www.amazon.com/Control-Exposing-Truth-About-Guns/dp/1476739870/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1368233063&sr=8-1&keywords=glenn+beck+control
The study even used our tax dollars to fund it. Wasn’t that the goal, taxpayer funded studies? They should be happy with this report.
I have alwyas wanted to ask an anti-gun senator two questions:
1) If a burglar breaks into my house, how do I make sure he fills out a form 4473 before he takes my gun?
2) When said burglar trades the gun he stole from me for drugs, who is going to call that into NICS?