If you follow the news, The Atlantic published a story that Trump skipped visiting a military cemetery in France because he though veterans who were killed were “losers” and “suckers.”  The Atlantic quotes only anonymous sources.  There are, however, five named eye-witnesses, and a redacted Whitehouse email saying that this never happened and the visit was called off due to weather.

Since the entire Russian Collusion hoax that was used to hinder Trump during the first four years of his presidency was the result of “anonymous sources,” I’m not going to believe anything that an anonymous source says and assume that the anonymous source is just a Trump-hating journalist’s asshole.

The military is heavily supporting Trump, at least among the low ranking enlisted personnel who do not see themselves as partisans in uniform, and I expect this story is 100% bullshit intended to undercut Trump’s support by the military.

So some shit-for-brains dude on MSNBC believes this story and says this is the result of us not teaching civics.

Holy fuck!  That is IMAX level projection.

It’s the Right that’s been complaining about the failure to teach civics which is why the Left is rioting in the streets, saying our nation was founded in 1619 on slavery with white supremacism as its core principle, that our Founding Fathers were evil, and that the Electoral College needs to be abolished as a tool of racism.

Nobody on the Right is going to believe that our troopers are losers or suckers because we didn’t learn civics in school.  It was the Left, starting with Vietnam and going through the War on Terror in the GW Bush administration that insulted our troops as too dumb to go to college or baby killers.  Bill Clinton was praised for using a Rhodes Scholarship to get out of Vietnam.

Now they expect us to believe that the Left thinks that our troops are heroes and the Right thinks they are losers for signing up.

This is such unbelievable bullshit, but that is TDS for you.

These people are insane.

Sidetrack Rant:

It’s time we change some laws regarding journalism.  The Supreme Court set a very high standard when it came to suing journalists for libel and slander.  This dates back to the Civil Rights Era when southern Democrat politicians would sue northern reporters for exposing their racism and ties to the Klan.  The Supreme Court wanted to protect journalists from being silenced by politicians.

Today, journalists abuse that protection by running horrible lies peppered with enough weasel words to skirt around a libel suit.  They turned a shield into a sword.  They lie and know that they can get away with it.

The same has happened with journalist shield laws.  They can attribute any lie to an anonymous source and in many states can’t be forced to expose their source.  That means either they can make shit up or quote some lying disgruntled former staffer.  A law intended to protect whistleblowers is not a tool for disinformation and mendacity.

It’s time we relevel the playing field.  Journalists who lie need to pay a price.  Journalists who drop career-ending accusations need to expose their sources.

Rant Over.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Their projection is getting worse”
  1. Back in the early 80s, I tried to do some freelance photography, which meant being tangentially around freelance “journalists.”

    I learned “anonymous sources” had a pretty good chance of meaning “writer made it up”. Especially if the article says something like “some say” or even weaker than the usual “sources who wish to remain anonymous”. I haven’t believed a story with anonymous sources ever since.

    Until writers can be held liable, if ever, it’s a good rule of thumb.

  2. The media is a good example of the need for common sense regulations on the first amendment, propaganda is not free speech and should not be protected

  3. They Lie, They Omit, And They Distort Everything. They do not report the news, they spew leftist propaganda. Everything they do is dishonest, everything they do is against American interests

  4. When even John Bolton says, on the record, that Trump is correct and this never happens, you can be very confident indeed that this story is Enquirer grade fiction.

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