First: the NYPD top chaplain is a Rabbi?  I would have guessed a Catholic Priest given the way the NYPD was historically Irish Catholic, which dates back to Tammany Hall handing out different Civil service jobs to different immigrant groups as patronage for votes.

Second: what the fuck sort of useless Rabbi is he that the Waffen NYPD under Furher de Blasio spent the Lockdown tormenting the Orthodox. Why did this Rabbi not speak up about that, or any of the NYPD shutdowns of religious services?

Third: how fucking bold have criminals become that they are mugging cops?  Fuck me, that’s some post-apocalyptic type bullshit.

Forth: does a chaplain not carry a gun?  Why the hell not, he’s a uniformed NYPD officer.  They should all carry.  Get shot by a chaplain go straight to hell.

There is so much wrong with this I can’t process it all.  I’ll just leave it at “fuck New York City, it’s a shithole.”

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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “There is a lot to unpack here”
  1. Imagined conversation

    St Peter: “Next.”

    St Peter: “What’s your name son?”

    Idindu Nuffin: “Idindu Nuffin”

    St. Peter: “We get a lot of those, I’ll need more information. How did you die?”

    Idindu Nuffin: “I was shot by a f’n’ pig.”

    St Peter: Checking his data base “Please watch your language around here. Ah yes, I see you were trying to mug an NYPD Rabbi, the Boss takes a dim view of those that harm his chosen people.”

    Idindu Nuffin: “That Mofo was a Rabbi? So what? He had money, I need me some, ‘sides even was I caught, I’d be back on the streets tomorrow at the latest.”

    St. Peter: “I won’t warn again about your language. Sorry, deBlasio isn’t in charge here. You were killed by a Rabbi who is also a police officer, I think we have a special place for you.”

    Idindu Nuffin: “Wha’ da f***, I ain’t sayin’ anything else, i want a lawyer.”

    St. Peter: “Language Mr Nuffin. I think we can arrange an attorney for you, You go to hell.”

    St. Peter: “Next.”

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