This is Congresswoman Cori Bush:

The people who rioted on Capitol Hill in the belief that the election was unfair and/or fraudulent, angry that they were not being heard, we’re domestic terrorists.  The Republicans who said anything that might have bolstered that feeling are criminals that deserve to be expelled from the House.

This is also Cori Bush:

Criminals in jail awaiting trial rioted because they were unhappy with the COVID restrictions, set fires, flooded the jail, and attacked guards, sending one to the hospital.  These are the unheard and their setting fires, smashing windows, and throwing furniture out of the 4th floor is the voice of the voiceless in the best tradition of MLK, and it’s Congresswoman Bush’s duty to listen to the concerns of her constituents.

Honestly, you really can’t blame Congresswoman Bush for being this way.  She is simply being transparent about what we all know to be true.

We live in a two-tier nation, with one set of rules, laws, and codes of conduct for people on the Left and another set of rules, laws, and codes of conduct for people on the Right.

Mark my words, the Conservative Jizya is coming soon.



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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “There is no rule of law. All that matters is which political party you are aligned with.”
  1. Yeah, putting on the mantel of MLK to justify riots. The only riots done in Dr. King’s name were after he was assassinated.

  2. First axiom of politics in play.

    I wonder if it will apply to the Dems that objected to the 2016 election? Oh… wait… my error.

  3. Anyone who’s just now realizing that ‘liberal,’ ‘democrat,’ and ‘progressive’ are all just synonyms for ‘grotesque pile of hypocritical subhuman filth’ clearly hasn’t been paying much attention for the last multiple decades of history.

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