Moms Demand workplace violence

This is another of those disingenuous uses of a term that do not reflect the statistics. By what you read from Moms, 550 people are killed at work by co-workers that lost their minds, joined the NRA, bought a machine gun at the local 7-11 and went on to massacre innocent people.

But what is the reality?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,  from 1997 to 2010 there were 8,666 murders in the workplace. Out of those, 6,520 were by robberies and  894 by work associate.

Wait, you didn’t know that plain old armed robberies were considered Workplace Violence? I wonder why they don’t mention that.  Pizza delivery man robbed and killed for $20 and a pepperoni pizza? Workplace Violence.  Gas station clerk working the night shift attacked by a couple of armed thugs? Workplace Violence. Owner of a small bodega hammered to a pulp by a crackhead? Workplace Violence. And why you should be amazed? The attack in Forth Hood by Hasan Nidal was classified as Workplace Violence too!

But…but… we know there is good violence. The violence we must use to defend ourselves is good, the one that criminals use to gain profit is bad, therefore:

Bad Workplace Violence….

Good Workplace Violence…

Kidding aside (somewhat) anybody who play with words and makes life easier for criminals by supporting the stupid notion that an employee cannot defend himself because of a silly/lawyer-ed business policy and then confuse the issue with false imagery is basically an accomplice prior to the crime.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “There is Workplace Violence and then there is workplace violence.”
  1. The fail is strong in this one.

    Even if we take their statistic at its face – 550 people per year killed in workplace violence – it’s still not as big a problem as the gang/drug violence in Chicago alone.

    So they obviously want to impose more restrictions on you and me.


  2. Someone got shot by a gun in the gun free utopia of Chicago?? Inconceivable! We should make murder double illegal.

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