By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

16 thoughts on “There was Kaboom”
    1. Yes, but he doesn’t call them wabbits; he calls them raggin’ slaggin’ varmints.
      This illustrates the reason for varmint rifles. Shooting varmints at close range is dangerous, as they can do what we see here.

  1. That’s why you don’t handload ultra light loads in a magnum revolver. If the recoil is too much, get a smaller caliber.

    Looks like this is what happened – barrel obstruction, possibly a stuck bullet from a light or primer load, and then another round was fired.

  2. Agree with TW, and I’m betting they never did a barrel check after the squib. That blew just past the forcing cone!!!

  3. @tiredweasel, @oldNFO, could be. The thing that looks weird to me is, first, the muzzle end of the barrel looks very clean; and I also don’t see any real discoloration around either end of the cylinder. I would have expected at least a little schmutz somewhere if this were real, even if it was on the 2nd shot.

  4. Well, you can tell where the bullet was stuck in the barrel… just past the new “knees” caused by the initial pressure spike.

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