Felonies surge 40% on NYC subways compared to 2021 — but MTA touts more cops to stem crime wave

Felony crimes — including murder, rape and robbery — have surged on the subway system by 40% so far this year compared to 2021, according to newly released NYPD stats.

At least 1,917 felony crimes were reported from January through October — up from the 1,367 tallied during the same period last year, the figures prepared for Tuesday’s MTA board committee meetings showed.

Last month alone saw 210 total felonies, up from 198 in September, the NYPD said.

The October tally included three murders, two burglaries, 51 robberies, 46 felony assaults and 108 grand larcenies — all increases from that month in 2021, according to police.

Killings in the subway system since 2020 have also skyrocketed to the highest annual levels in 25 years as the city grapples with an overall spike in random violence, NYPD stats show.

Law abiding citizens are trapped underground in a cave with vicious predators and increased violence happens.

This next partisan interesting.

Reached for comment, a spokesman for the MTA said an influx of police officers announced last month by Gov. Kathy Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams has led to less crime.

“The NYPD is now putting more officers on subway cars and on platforms, and so far this month it has resulted in a drop in crime,” said the spokesman, Aaron Donovan.

Riders and transit workers who spoke to The Post on Sunday were split on whether the recent influx of cops had made an impact.

“They just wait until police are not around,” said grocery store worker Lee Rivera, 25.

Felonies are up 40% but it would be worse if it weren’t for the increase in cops.  That’s the logical conclusion here.  That tells you how really bad it is.

Even if more cops is reducing crime, the criminals know that the cops can’t be everywhere and wait until there are none around to strike.

New York increased the number of cops and crime still went up.

That is the loudest ringing endorsement for concealed carry and self defense I’ve ever heard.

This is why it’s so important for Bruen to br enforced in New York.

The people need to be able to defend themselves because the city is doing a shit job of maintaining safety underground.


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By J. Kb