Yeah, I agree, what the actual fuck?

Miguel and I have documented multiple accounts of people being killed by a strong punch.

A mob beating is not like a fist fight in the movies.

Let’s remember what happened in Portland only a few days before when an unarmed man had an encounter with the mob.

God created all men, Eugene Stoner made a 17-year-old equal to a three adult men.

What the ADA is saying is such monumental bullshit.

Adam Haner, the man kicked in the head was also just trying to help people who were the victims of a mob and ended up with a TBI for his troubles.  Marquise Love got barely 20 months for giving a man brain damage.

That’s what the ADA’s are advocating for.  For Kyle Rittenhouse to be brain damaged and Rosenbaum and Huber to get slaps on the wrists.

Under the law one must use reasonable force to prevent grave bodily harm.  It does not say you have to stand toe to toe with a prime age adult male that weighs one-and-a-half times as much as you and fight him bare knuckles to be fair.

This is unconscionable.

These prosecutors need to lose, not just this case, but their law licenses when it’s over.


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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “These have to be the worst attorneys in America”
  1. The real point is in a meme you posted a day or two ago: the real goal of the left is to destroy self-defense, so they can rampage over the US unimpeded.

  2. Three People? He backed down an entire mob literally baying for his blood. There were a lot of people that were trying to attack him that backed off when they realized he was NOT a soft target. AND he did it with only four shots at Grosskeutz, Huber, and Jump-Kick Man. Joe Scarborough said he fired 60 rounds, two whole magazines, probably because Scarborough couldn’t believe anyone was able to quell the entire mob with only four shots?

      1. Larry,

        I was counting the 2 that missed Jump kick man (who is now identified?), 1 at Huber, and 1 at Grosskeutz. I felt the four rounds that stopped Joseph Rosenbaum at arms length were a separate encounter that activated and energized the mob of fellow Antifa.

        He probably could have shot a lot more people that night, but he showed restraint and knew that STOPPING their attacks was all that he needed to do. If they retreated or turned away, that was all he needed.

  3. Then what was Mr Bicep Man pointing at Kyle before Kyle shot him? A cap gun? Doesn’t sound like a fist fight to me.
    What a lousy bunch of liars.

  4. “Kyle Rittenhouse “brought a gun to a fist fight. He was too cowardly to use his own fists to fight his way out. He had to start shooting.”

    Um, liked Gaige Unspellable did, counselor?

    Like the a-hole with the skateboard?

    Like the ‘leventy other jackwagons threatening Rittenhouse as a literal-no-shit mob?

    THAT sort of “cowardice”?

    Asylum. For the terminally stupid.

  5. I’m no longer advocating for hanging these traitorous vermin from lamp posts. On further reflection, I now believe in slow impalement, ala Vlad Tepes, on those lamp posts.

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