One of the more (maybe most) horrible things to come out of this pandemic is the spike in teen suicides.

More teenagers died of suicide related to the lockdowns than died of COVID in Las Vegas.

Kids do not do well in isolation, locked away from their friends.  They need to play outside and socialize.  School lockdowns have been disastrous to the mental health of teenagers.

Across the country, teacher’s unions have been fighting reopening.

The Chicago Teachers Union has fought reopening and is on an illegal strike, deciding not to return to work out of “fear for their safety.”

In Fairfax County Virginia, the teachers union got teachers moved to the front of the line, next to first responders, to get the vaccine, then claimed they can’t return to in-school teaching until the students get vaccinated, which is scheduled for some time next year.  They keep moving the goalposts so as not to go back to school full time.   They still collect full pay, of course.

But by far the worst happened in Washington.

If you are a parent, watching your child suffer, terrified that he or she will commit suicide and there is little you can do because of the lockdown, you have white privilege and your concerns are just the product of racism.

This is an unmitigated evil.

I cannot fathom the evil, callous, soulless evil, that makes a teacher – or someone who represents teachers – turn a blind eye to teen suicide as privileged.

Every teacher that endorses not going back needs to be fired and replaced with a teacher who will teach in person.

Any teacher who called concerns from parents about teen suicide “white privilege,” needs to be fired out of a cannon – blown from a gun – in front of all the other teachers in the middle of campus as a warning not to be that much of a piece of shit.

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “These teachers need to be fired, out of a cannon”
    1. I was homeschooled. Several of my friends through my life have been homeschooled. Homeschooled kids in my experience have generally turned out a bit odd, but otherwise more intelligent, mentally stable, and polite.

  1. The number of people who need to be strapped into a rocket and fired towards the sun is increasing at such an exponential rate that I don’t even know if a Delta IV Heavy would be up for the task.

  2. Apparently in some places (Virginia?) teachers pushed to get first in line for the vaccine. The government agreed so schools could reopen. What happened next?
    (a) the teachers got vaccinated, (b) they still refused to reopen the schools.

    Last night on local news it was reported that private schools are experiencing a surge in applications, and there was concern about the possible damage that might do to public schools. Our reaction was “I sure hope so”.

    What I would approve of is a deal with teachers, in the form of a contract each individually would have to agree to: sign a contract to return to full time in-classroom teaching once vaccinated, and you can get priority. If you get the priority and then don’t return to the classroom, you get fired on the spot, no union excuses.

    I can dream, right?

  3. “White privilege”- they keep using that phrase. I don’t think it means what they think it means.

    And it’s funny- remember when Michelle Obama was Lunch Lady Czar, and we were inundated with stories about how school was the only place the poor kids got good food? Memory holed, I recon.

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