By J. Kb

16 thoughts on “They are going to cheat again”
  1. No one should be surprised.

    Ever since Nov. 3rd everyone has been deliberately turning a blind eye to all the irregularities. Even if there was zero actual criminal actions/fraud, the message since early Nov has been “we will ignore any red flags. IF you are inclined to cheat, do exactly what caused the red flags on Election day, and we will not pay any attention to it.”

    No politician that is accepting the election results without question deserves to be re-elected. Not one of them

      1. Nah, he’ll be given at least a year of make-work projects to keep him busy in the Oval Office. They’ll invoke the Twenty-fifth Amendment the summer of 2021.

        1. More likely, he will pack it in on Jan 21, 2022. Maybe the 22nd, or 23rd to make it look better.

          This way President Harris can finish out the Biden term, and get elected two times more for a full (almost) 10 years as the nation’s first black female President.

          Diversity is wonderful, don’t you think.

  2. Just wait when 2022 rolls around and the democrats literally ‘win’ everything. And when I mean everything I mean literally every single solitary race in the entire United Stares all the way down to town dogcatcher.

    1. Why wouldn’t they.

      The message is clear. The news media, attorneys, governors, AGs, judges, and a measurable number of Republicans will ignore the red flags because…. reasons.

  3. After the presidential steal, I can only wonder… how long have they been doing this? Years? Decades? How long have the Ds been an illegitimate party??

    If they’re brazen enough to steal the presidency, then it casts into doubt literally every squiffy election they’ve ever won. We might have been under occupation for decades and never known or questioned it.

    1. There are credible allegations of corruption (above and beyond the typical favor trading and horse-swapping) being part of Andrew Jackson’s first presidential run in 1824. There are even more credible accounts of such fuckery in his successful 1828 presidential election.

      Interestingly enough, especially compared to the recent #resist, #selectednotelected and “national popular vote” bullshit, in 1824 Jackson won 99 electoral votes. The largest plurality of any of the candidates, but short of the 131 needed to win outright. In accordance with the Constitution, Congress voted to make Adams the winner… And the Jackson was nominated for president by the Tennessee legislature in October 1825, more than three years before the 1828 election. It was the earliest such nomination in presidential history. Jackson spent the entirety of Adams’ administration criticizing him to everyone and anyone with a printing press.

      Andrew Jackson is still, to this day, considered a hero to the Democratic Party that he founded.

  4. Why wouldn’t they think telling us in advance would work?
    It worked in November.
    The GOP is far more concerned about the press saying mean things about them than they are about the base not voting for them.

  5. Of course they are going to cheat again. My phone as been blowing up for the past month with solicitations for campain contributions. The Reps get NOTHING from me until they can demonstrate they have solved the problem of fraud.

  6. Dave: that sort of presents a chicken-and-egg problem. If we have no conservatives in office (and, yes, i know/acknowledge that republican and conservative are certainly not a circle in the Venn diagram of politics), then the democrats will Tammany Hall their way into the future. OTOH, as you intimate, if we support RINOs, well, we continue to get that which we have gotten.

    My go-to has to been to vote for the least bad candidate, in hopes of a metaphorical rising tide of conservatism/fidelity to the Constitution, raising the average score of our politicians.

    So, uh, well, that has NOT worked out very well, so far.

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