This is United States Special Presidential
Envoy for Climate John Kerry.

It’s a new, bullshit position created for him to continue grifting by his buddy Biden.

This is what he said:

That’s a load of horseshit.

These people looked at salary vs. risk and chose the job of their own free will.  This “better choice” is condescending bullshit.

It’s also a false choice.  Solar panel manufacturing is almost exclusively done in China.


Because it’s toxic as fuck to make solar panels and China is the source of much of the raw elements that go into them.  China is also the source of all the rare earth elements that go into energy capture and they are gaining huge control over coltan mining in Africa.  China doesn’t like to sell raw materials when it gets so much more value selling final products.

You want proof?

Solyndra burned $500 Million in government money to not make anything but an empty factory.

Oil is a domestic natural resource.  We control it and we use it.

We’re not going to shut down drilling and put those workers to work making the same salaries making solar panels.  We all know that.  We are going to end up buying those solar panels from China and Biden’s buddies who own the solar panel companies will profit from the outsourced manufacturing.

Biden’s nominee for Secretary of Energy made similar comments at her confirmation hearing.

This is a bait and switch.  They are claiming that it’s okay if they fire you now from your $98K per year (average) oil drilling job because at some point in the future you will get a new job installing solar panels or repairing wind turbines.

We all know it’s bullshit.

Even if the job growth rate of wind turbine technicians and solar panel installers is what they claim it to be, those jobs are years down the road.  A laid-off master pipefitter today in his late 30s or 40s isn’t going to the prime candidate for employment fixing wind turbines in his 40s or 50s.

“I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today”

I’ve never seen politicians so brazenly say “we’re going to destroy your job – in the middle of a pandemic, by the way – and that is good for you, you’ll thank us later.”

Fire a bunch of guys making good money on the oil fields and then bullshit them with the idea of new jobs in the future that we all know will never materialize.

There are a lot of bulldozers from pipeline projects that will be sitting idle and a lot of welders with a lot of free time on their hands.

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By J. Kb

18 thoughts on “They are going to make something that starts with “K” and ends with “dozer””
  1. Starts with K … Rhymes with “dozer” … Relates to John Kerry …

    Klown Poseur?

    Oh, you meant the response to KP Kerry. Sorry … Pre-coffee. Yeah, that would might result in something actually useful and effective.

  2. This is a common pattern with leftists. They want you to sacrifice for some vague, undefined ‘future benefit’ that may or may not occur.

    ‘If we shut down domestic fossil fuel use, innovation will force us to come up with superior renewable energy sources!’.

    That is NOT how it works.

  3. Typical elitist disdain for skilled workers with out a collage degree. Does he even know what a master welder, heavy equipment operator, or diesel mechanic earns working on a pipeline. These are not the “Do you want fries with that?” jobs that graduates in women’s studies are qualified for.

    1. Nope. Doesn’t know, doesn’t care, and is proud to be ignorant.

      Think Bloomberg on farming.

    2. Average salary of $98K with a 2 year associates degree.

      Those guys are not going to be happy to lose that for $15/hr.

      I have a buddy that suspects there will be a lot of divorces that fallout when unemployed former oil related job husband finds out wife voted for Biden because of Trump’s mean tweets.

      1. The divorces will be initiated by the wives who realize the the bottom has fallen out of their “gravy trains” and will be on the prowl for new hu$bands, whom they perceive to be a “better deal”.

    3. Around here a skilled rig welder ( as in he has his own welding rig, not welding drill rigs) with a pressure endorsement and small bore ticket earns $100/hr straigh time working 21 straight 10’s than 7 off. So thats before taxes 21k every 28 days of work.

  4. China is also the source of all the rare earth elements that go into energy capture and they are gaining huge control over coltan mining in Africa.

    Minor point. There are substantial deposits of “rare earth metals” in the US, it’s just that the EPA basically forbids mining them. One of the deposits that used to provide the not very rare metals was in Califruitopia along the Sierras. They sure aren’t going to allow anything as unsightly as mining. Besides, they can send the money to China.

    Not that anything about what they’re doing makes sense. All of that green energy shit has no basics in engineering, physics or anything beyond a bunch of greenie dreams.

  5. I am noticing a pattern here.

    Leftists assume equality. They assume equal opportunity means equal outcomes. It is the core belief of everything they push for.

    Are there great paying jobs in construction, or coding, or anything else? Yep, there are. Just because those jobs exist does not mean fired energy workers have a chance at getting those jobs.

    But, the leftists will ignore reality, and substitute their idealized world. A world where every job pays more then enough to support a family, and the skills you have in one industry translate perfectly to every other industry.

  6. Oh yeah, those other jobs will be there in the future.

    The same lying bastards that sold a whole country on “two weeks to flatten the curve” almost a year ago.

  7. They don’t even know how out of touch they are. They assume (or at least pretend to for the cameras) that all construction jobs are fungible. Spend 10 years learning to weld steel pipe in field conditions. Great! Tomorrow you’re going to work as part of a rigging crew hoisting this 100 foot turbine blade 300 feet in the air. Wait, what?

    Working in pharmaceutical synthesis this would be like the government mandating all drug manufacturing would offshored, and all the process chemists and plant operators would need to reapply for jobs as analytical chemists and technicians. Yes, we all passed HS chemistry, but totally different skill set.

    Related to armored heavy equipment, the distinction between pharmaceuticals and nerve agents or energetic materials is one that would make a lot of people lose sleep at night.

    1. It makes sense if you consider how little skill is necessary to do the things they do. It used to require some basic understanding of English and law; even that stopped being true a while ago.
      That of course makes the “continuity of government” excuse for giving priority to congresscritters quite absurd. There are few things as interchangeable and easily replaced as congresscritters, and there are plenty of them around in any case.

    2. Or, (petro) chemical expertise, or pesticide expertise, and CW capability.

      Lotsa sleep lost, if Our Betters would deign to gaze beneath their cloud cities, once in a while….

    3. “All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison.” – Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim (Paracelsus)

  8. This is also screwing the non-government unions. Each pipeworker that’s having to “learn to code” is one more dues paying member gone- and probably won’t be moving onto another fat union job.
    Or, as Insty likes to comment on the inevitable and all too common unintended consequences of Democratic policies:, “Unexpectedly!”

  9. A comment about Solyndra. There was a similar debacle with a battery company (don’t remember t he name). And they did make more than just empty factories. These exercises made a few Obama supporters fabulously rich in the process. More rewards for the cognoscenti while the normal schmucks get raked over the coals yet again to finance these sweetheart deals.

  10. “There are a lot of bulldozers from pipeline projects that will be sitting idle and a lot of welders with a lot of free time on their hands.”
    I just fell out of my chair lmao.

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