For the love of God and all that it holy, this shit must stop but they just can’t do it.

They are complaining about the fire and are calling in napalm strikes on it.


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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “They are not going to let bygones be bygones”
    1. Remember, the WP is run by Facebook, the people who believe in censoring anyone to the right of Hilary.

    2. Turning the GOP into Hezbollah would at least make for effective resistance instead of the flaccid milquetoast run as far from Trump as we can lot

  1. I wonder if these people can point to a single thing Trump has ever done that is racist?
    Anything that has not been proven to be false that is, or taken out of context.

    1. Of course not. As others like to point out, there are several standard leftist practices. Lying is one. Projection is another.
      Racism and other *-isms are core parts of leftism, so they accuse others of it as a way of deflecting and confusing. For that matter, just remember the KKK was the terrorist arm of the Democrat party, and the Democrat party was the party of slavery and of secession, and later on the party of Jim Crow.

  2. It will get worse until one of those assholes gets shot. Not a suggestion just an observation from an old fart

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