Police in Colorado brazenly violated the Fourth Amendment rights of dozens of motorists when they illegally detained them and searched their vehicles while attempting to locate a bank robber in 2012, a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court late last week alleges.

Individuals had their Fourth Amendment rights violated when officers detained them for over an hour in 2012 during a search for a bank robber, a new lawsuit alleges. (Image source: Complaint filed in U.S. District Court)
The lawsuit, filed on behalf of 14 of the 28 individuals who were “detained, removed, searched, restrained — and terrified” in a “more-than-two-hour mass roundup of innocent men, women and children at a traffic section,” was filed last Friday and names the City of Aurora and the police chief, among others, as defendants.

via ‘They Brandished Shields’ and Pointed Rifles ‘Directly at Innocent Citizens’ — and That Was Just the Start: Lawsuit Details Shock Case of Alleged Fourth Amendment Violation | TheBlaze.com.


Hmmm. It seems that James Eagan Holmes is not an isolated thing. There might be something in the water in Aurora, CO.

I predict we will see a sad case of forced civilian self-defense against cops soon and nobody is gonna be happy about it..well, Shannon Watts and Mike Bloomberg will but they are vultures.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “‘They Brandished Shields’ and Pointed Rifles ‘Directly at Innocent Citizens’”
  1. “I predict we will see a sad case of forced civilian self-defense against cops soon and nobody is gonna be happy about it..well, Shanno Watts and Mike Bloomberg will but they are vultures.”

    They need the blood of innocents to dance in, it’s all they have. They have no facts, just the shrill cry of “it’s for the children” and “we must do something”. One of these days the coppers are going to make a mistake at the wrong house.

    Joe gun owner isn’t home when they arrive. something goes horribly wrong and one of Joe gun owners children is killed. Joe gun owner goes to the local politicians house and sets it on fire. he shoots everyone that runs out. Lather rinse repeat all the way from top to bottom.

    We need to get back control of our governments from town councils all the way to the top before we end up shooting each other. I don’t really want to see CWII.

  2. 50 years of Progressive brainwashing has led to this, organized and sanctioned at the highest levels of government!
    One wonders if this is not some gigantic Lucerfarian ritual being played out with an entire society as the sacrifice

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