I see that enclosure and fortification is not precisely a word that comes to mind. I believe they have watched too many Instagram videos of dumb builders doing stuff with pallets and they thought it would translate to their little fort.

One asshole with a Bic and their pretentions will go up in smoke.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

16 thoughts on “They built a clubhouse!”
  1. Murphys laws on combat- make it hard for the enemy to get in and you can’t get OUT……. rubbing alcohol and a bbq lighter.. 6 or 8 different places…anyone wanta rent a truck and go for a ride?heh heh. who’s gonna clean it up? taxpayers?

    1. And bungee cords!
      And that plastic twine you get from the Big Box Home Improvement stores!
      Top-grade construction, right there!

  2. So, when the police move in to disperse the protesters, they will run behind the fortifications.
    Which is impervious to… well… nothing actually. In fact, it will actually make the use of teargas more effective as the protestors will not be able to disperse, but the “very fortified” encampment will keep them grouped.

    Seriously, a good kick would tumble that wall over. At best, it represents a trip hazard, nothing more.

  3. Wow … they can farm and they can build! Is there nothing these wacky Lefty geniuses can’t do? /sarc

  4. Very civic of them to leave access to the fire hydrant. I guess that might come in handy considering the number of calls I’m hearing for Bic lighters and kerosene….

  5. Well, it would certainly help to contain a few skunks for the requisite amount of time…
    For what, maybe 5 seconds?

  6. I wonder if they yet know the difference between cover and concealment.
    I also wonder if they know what a flammenwerfer is.

  7. LOL! They actually think that will stop a determined effort. Obviously none of them involved are STEM majors.

  8. Well, it sure looks like it was built by a bunch of people who have never built a single thing in their lives.

  9. I believe they have watched too many Instagram videos of dumb builders doing stuff with pallets and they thought it would translate to their little fort.
    Or they were able to get pallets for free and didn’t want to shell out the cash for real structural materials.
    They have zip ties and bungee cords holding it up, likely just items they had on-hand. How much would it set them back to buy a few pounds of wood screws, and how much more solid (relatively speaking) would that be?
    The reason we can’t take them or their cause seriously, is because every chance they get they show us they’re NOT serious. (The violence and trouble they cause ARE serious, and we DO take that seriously. But the political causes they advocate for? Not serious.)

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