This was published in the LA Times:

Civil society is really hanging on by it’s fingertips and people like this are intent on stomping on them.

I can guarantee you that the names of people who have openly voiced this type of opinion are on lots of lists.

And if and when shit finally breaks, these people will not have the last laugh.

I’ve read about Balkanization and the partition of India.  Lots of tribal grievances were settled in brutal ways.  Maybe these people should read up on that as well.



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By J. Kb

18 thoughts on “They hate you and revel in your death, and the feeling is mutual”
    1. I’ve said it many times, and I’ll say it now. The next civil war will be tribal, and ugly. Think Bosnia. I don’t want it; no one in their right mind wants it.

      But this author does. You don’t celebrate and belittle the deaths of others unless you wish it.

      So – I’ll say again: If we must have that war, lets have it now, so my grandkids won’t have to fight it.

      1. “… no one in their right mind wants it.”

        This right here. The author is not in her right mind. Nobody should be listening to her or taking her seriously. Her opinion belongs on the outermost fringes of the Internet, along with Stormfront and Flat-Earthers.

        So naturally, the Leftist media gives her a soapbox, a megaphone, and pride of place as a featured article.

        Because they’re just as “not in their right mind” as she is.

  1. One well-known vile idiot with access to an editorial page isn’t “them”.

    Seriously, you need time away from Twitter. Possibly away from the Internet in general. You’re falling for misleading vividness in an incredibly unhealthy way.

    1. Yes, but — this isn’t a random nutcase Twitter post but an op-ed in a major newspaper. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the newspaper management agreed with it, but it does mean that they didn’t find it excessively bad or they would have spiked it.

  2. “Commentary on economics and more from a Pulitzer Prize winner.”

    Proud member of the Overlord class

  3. @rob Crawford, The problem isn’t this one author. It is the hundreds, thousands of people that do this.

    I was talking to a good friend who is left leaning. We are very careful when talking about our politics because we want to stay friends.

    He is firmly of the belief that because he might have been exposed he has to quarantine for the health of others. He’s not worried about getting it and he has no symptoms, but he is searching high and low for a test so he knows if he has it so he does not spread it. ???

    But an off hand comment he made was enlightening. “If somebody that didn’t get the vaccination dies of covid, that was their choice.”

    The amount of callous disregard for people that didn’t get jabbed dying is mind numbing. Thousands of people that have been jabbed have died of covid, many more have caught it, and still more have had negative outcomes due to the jab.

    But those people don’t get treated the same.

    The gist is: If you had just gotten the jab you wouldn’t have gotten the Wu-Flu. And if(when) you got the Wu-Flu you wouldn’t have as bad of a case because of the jab.

    I’ve heard this argument more times than I can remember. You won’t get the wu-flu if you get the jab, but when you do get the wu-flu (from those nasty unvaccinated people) you won’t get it as bad.

    1. “He is firmly of the belief that because he might have been exposed he has to quarantine for the health of others”

      And, that is the problem with leftists. They are collectivists, statists. They feel it is their responsibility to ensure you behave, your health is protected, etc… I see signs all over “My mask protects you, your mask protects me” as if I have any (unreasonable) duty to ensure you stay healthy. (Aside from staying home if you are sick etc.. let’s be reasonable here.)

      “You won’t get the wu-flu if you get the jab, but when you do get the wu-flu (from those nasty unvaccinated people) you won’t get it as bad.”
      Whenever I hear that, I ask for proof. Seriously, prove it. Even prior to the vaccines, the range of symptoms went from none to death. So, now… suddenly if you have little to no symptoms it is because of the vaccine? OK, prove it.

      So far, none of the “we need 100% vaccination!!!” people has ever responded to that request.

      1. @CBMTTek well stated. Collective responsibility. And the ability to never take responsibility for anything. How many times have we seen a committee recommend something stupid or unlawful and no individual is ever held responsible because “it was the committee”.

        And part of the problem is that reasonableness is not part of the discussion. If you are *sick* with something that is contagious, then stay away from others.

        My favorite is the teachers. I can’t name the number of teachers from 2019 and prior that “worked through their illness.” What this meant is that they went to school and snottered on all their students infecting them with the cold or flu. My wife was like this.

        “Hon, you are sick, stay home. There is no need for you to take your cold into the petri dish”

        “I have to go in! They couldn’t get a sub for me and all of my kids will fail to learn if I’m not there!” (or “i’m out of sick days because I used personal days to transport our kid to something”)

        And all teachers did this.

        Today, a teacher with the sniffles wants a 2 week vacation.

      2. It’s not an “unreasonable duty”.
        That’s your error.
        The right to stretch your arm ends where someone else’s nose begins.
        If you can show that you won’t exhale, or cough, or sneeze, go wherever you like unmasked.

        That reality is what you’re trying to forget.
        It won’t fly.

        You have no right to be Typhoid Mary with anything, and never have had, back to time out of mind, and millennia before the Constitution was a thing. That’s the part of common law of which you’re evidently unaware.
        Quarantine goes back to time B.C.
        You could look it up.

        1. The issue is we have conflicting rights here.

          One side thinks it’s OK to leverage the force of the State to make the other side mask, socially distance, stay home, get a shot, etc., to keep themselves safe. IOW, they want everyone else to change behaviors to facilitate their feeling of safety.

          The other side says if someone wants to mask, socially distance, stay home, get a shot, etc., for their own safety, go ahead. IOW, you can change your own behavior to make yourself feel safer, but that’s as far as your authority goes.

          Since this is a gun blog, let’s make a quick analogy:
          – The first group above thinks it’s OK to leverage the force of the State to make the other side disarm, leave their guns at home, lock guns and ammo separately, etc., to keep themselves safe. IOW, they want everyone else to change behaviors to facilitate their feeling of safety.
          – The other group says if someone wants to not own a gun, not carry a gun, lock up guns and ammo separately, etc., for their own safety, go ahead. IOW, you can change your own behavior to make yourself feel safer, but that’s as far as your authority goes.

          (Don’t forget that paper and cloth masks generally only work one way. N95 and KN95 masks protect the wearer by filtering inhaled air. Surgical masks protect everyone else by attempting [poorly] to filter exhaled air. They are not the same, but mask mandates don’t differentiate.)

          Quarantine is a millennia-old concept, but it’s what you do to people who are sick or suspected to be exposed to contagion, not what you do to people who are not sick so that they (hopefully) don’t get sick. I don’t have a right to be Typhoid Mary, but I’m not feeling ill and recently tested negative, so therefore it’s my duty and responsibility to mask, socially distance, get a shot I don’t want, and quarantine myself to keep everyone else healthy. Completely reasonable, right?

          1. Archer, you’re attempting to use reason to a know it all zealot. Good luck, you’ll need lots of it.

      3. Even prior to the vaccines, the range of symptoms went from none to death. So, now… suddenly if you have little to no symptoms it is because of the vaccine? OK, prove it.

        Locally, the news stations release the hospitals’ reported numbers, and following Brandon’s advice (unvaccinated people face a “winter of sickness and death”) are always sure to tell us exactly how many are unvaccinated.

        Then they hope we’ll overlook the actual numbers.

        For example: Recently, there were 99 people hospitalized locally for COVID, and — the talking heads emphasized — 55 of them were unvaccinated. ZOMG!!!

        But I guess we’re just supposed to ignore the other 44 COVID patients in hospitals who were vaccinated. Those cases aren’t talked about, but they’re right there in the numbers if you’re paying attention.

        So since almost half of hospitalized COVID patients are vaccinated, I’d really like to see the proof that the shots keep people from being hospitalized.

    2. Last I checked, nearly 10,000 people have DIED from the jab. Maybe it’s just a small percentage, but I’m not going to spin that roulette wheel!

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