Tell me why the AP was in a building that Hamas was using to store weapons.

Oh yeah, because the AP were acting as human shields for Hamas, assuming that Israel wouldn’t strike their offices while Hamas hid rockets in the basement.

Everything the Left criticizes people for is projection.

They accuse Israel of war crimes because they were using media offices to protect terrorist weapons caches.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “They really are the enemy of the poeple”
  1. …IDF fighter jets struck a multi-story building containing Hamas military intelligence assets.

    The building contained civilian media offices


  2. Hey, you commie journos… remember this from last year?

    “Destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence.”

    Y’all loved to rub that quote on our faces. Not so fun now, huh?

    Besides, that’s what insurance is for, right? 😉

    1. 1. “Destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence.”
      2. “Offensive words are violence.”
      3. “Silence is violence.”

      The media has said or agreed with all these statements over the past couple years.

      If they believe them, then:
      1. Bombing their building is not violence. The building and everything in it can be replaced.
      2. Their biased and openly supportive reporting of Hamas terrorism is offensive, which makes it violence.
      3. Now that their building is gone, they’re not publishing much; this newfound silence is violence.

      By my count — and by their own definitions — the media has committed two separate violent acts to the IDF’s zero.

      We live in interesting times.

  3. Pretty much what the wife and I said about it.

    I pointed out, the media claims that Israel bombed their office. While technically true, they don’t bother to mention that a Hamas terror cell was operating out of their basement. Ergo, the journos were aiding terrorist acts by letting them stay there.

    She pointed out that Israel gave them advance warning and time to evacuate, which they would not get if the roles were reversed and it was Hamas bombing an IDF facility in their basement.

    But sure, Israel is the bad guy. *smh*

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