Jeffery Guterman is a mental health counselor in the Miami/Fort Lauderdale area. He is also a published author on the subject of counseling.

That hasn’t stopped him from becoming totally disabled by TDS.

He gained some internet infamy back in 2018 for cheering on the Trump Tower fire that killed one person.

This time he decided to cheer on the Coronavirus because Trump.


See, he’s very rich, so the economy tanking because of social distancing, people dying of virus, people losing their livelihoods and savings as their businesses go without customers for weeks on end doesn’t hurt him economically or emotionally.  He can say he feels bad for those who are suffering and died, but he made it clear through his callousness that all he really thinks is that this might cause him to lose reelection.  All the death and misery makes him “joyous” if gets Bad Orange Man out of the White House.

You, your life, your family’s life, your livelihood, income, savings, and perhaps small business are all expendable to him to end Trump’s presidency.  And whatever hardships you are experiencing, he’s very rich, so he doesn’t care.


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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “They want you dead and believe their money insulates them from the consequences”
  1. The guillotine is a pretty mechanically simple device, that isn’t too difficult to construct even for an amateur in the field, just sayin’.

  2. Exactly how is this different than any D in Congress today? Or any Mayor/Governor with a (D) following their name?

    Look across the board. They are all giddy with joy that people suffering may result in a Democrat winning the White House in Nov. Who cares that the average person suffers. The “correct” person is in charge.

    Welcome to socialism.

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