Not succumbing to mass hysteria = downplaying.  And if that is the formula, I have seen it applied to people in all sides except those who appear on Media for a living or politics.

What we have id a case of Coming Home To Roost: When we needed a impartial media to give us needed information, we got a bunch of highly paid propagandists using a worldwide pandemic to keep cheer-leading for the Democrats.  The result has been from ignoring the media to directly confronting journalists for their faux hysteria

As you can see, the Reporter and the cameraman did not take it kindly the challenge to their status, same as dear Jennifer Rubin. “How dare you unwashed citizen to address us like that. Die you filthy Repub!”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “They want you dead: Jennifer Rubin”
  1. I’m happy to see someone calling out the media for their propaganda. I never seem to be in the right place at the right time to do so myself.

  2. Unlike a lot of leftists, I don’t take my marching orders from the media outlets that are most closely agree with my views, nor do I let any media dictate my views. Yes, I am in the demographic that has a higher risk of dying from this thing. I am taking precautions, but I am not being obsessive about it. Somehow, I don’t think this virus gives a crap weather you’re a democrat, republican, socialist or anarchist. Turning this into political propaganda talking points is insane.

    1. NRW: I agree. Toilet paper panic? Meh, TDW-Mark II and i ALWAYS buy whatever in flat-lots. I entered 2020 with mebbe 100 rolls of TP, just as I entered 2019. Ditto canned food.

      “Yes, I am in the demographic that has a higher risk of dying from this thing. I am taking precautions, but I am not being obsessive about it.”

      Yep, ditto. Just to make it ever so much more wonderful, I’m a midlevel in a walk in clinic. So, yeah, I be a handwashing MF’er. Have my own N-100 mask and spare filters, at my side. TDW has a copy at home, now, although she is (surprisingly) better at this “social distancing” thing than I, for some reason 😉

      And, while I anticipate it getting middling bad, I don’t expect Mad Max levels of badness.

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