I’m not a fan of Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green, but this is not about her.  This is about another member of Congress, the non-voting delegate from Guam, marching Guam National Guardsmen to her office in a clearly political act.

A politician leading uniformed troops in a political display against an opponent, that should raise some red flags.

Sure, they weren’t armed, this time.

But once this is allowed to happen you know it will only get more aggressive next time.

This is how civil wars start.  That is not an understatement.

The gravity of this should not be ignored.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “They weren’t armed this time”
  1. WTF!

    Children. All of them.

    Seriously. This is not the action of an adult. It is the way a child who wants to be a petty tyrant acts.

  2. Just as much an insurrection as anything that happened on the 6th, but we know the rules are never applied equally.

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