AOC announces on Instagram that she’s taking a break from Twitter because ‘negative comments’ gave her ‘anxiety’ after she was mocked for breaking her own COVID rules to party maskless in Miami where she caught the virus

Internet-savvy Progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez confirmed to supporters on Monday night that she’s taking a break from Twitter because of ‘negative comments’ that gave her ‘anxiety’ after her bout with COVID and her vacation in Miami.

Ocasio-Cortez tested positive for the virus on January 9 after her maskless jaunt to Florida where she partied with actor Billy Porter and sipped cocktails with her boyfriend at a sushi restaurant.

The office of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who the lawmaker had criticized before and during her trip, suggested she could have avoided her social media clashes if she ‘refrained from making unprovoked, bad-faith attacks.’

‘Perhaps she could have avoided much of that “Twitter negativity” if she had refrained from making unprovoked, bad-faith attacks on Governor DeSantis,’ DeSantis spokeswoman Christina Pushaw told

‘By demanding our governor adopt the same failed pandemic restrictions as lockdown liberals like NY Gov. Hochul, while on vacation in Florida, the congresswoman unsurprisingly drew backlash and mockery.’


She was caught being a hypocrite then caught COVID after being umpteenth vaccinated.

She could dish it out online but couldn’t take it.

The people are the most thin skinned cowards, it’s amazing we let them have so much power.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Thin skin socialists are thin skinned”
  1. What do you think the “preferred pronouns” BS is all about?

    They will get offended if someone refers to them by the incorrect pronoun, so they have to tell you upfront.

  2. Quick! Someone get her a glass of chardonnay and a bunch of cute-little-fuzzy-bunnies to add to her “safe space.” /sarc

  3. Between this and the ‘you just want to date me’ bullshit, the lady needs a nice long stay in a place with soft walls.

  4. Man anxiety is the catch all bullshit of my generation. Anxiety is real and lots of people have it, but man does it just get thrown around and become a reason to not do anything. It makes me wonder if anxiety existed like this before millenials. It’s got to have something to do with the internet, always being watched, how quickly information moves, and how connected you are now. Millenials are really the first generation to grow up with that in any maningful way.

    Thanks for attending my tedx talk.

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