New York City:

Hateful teen shouts ‘I will kill you, Jew’ at 9-year-old boy at NYC playground

A hateful teen threatened a young boy with a knife and yelled “I will kill you, Jew” in the latest antisemitic attack in the Big Apple, police and law enforcement sources said.

The sickening scene unfolded at a playground at KIPP AMP Middle School and MS 354 Monday evening in Crown Heights, according to the NYPD and the victim’s mother, who said her daughter was also targeted in the attack.

Police and sources said the man also screamed “Heil Hitler” at the boy, but Sundroy, who was at the park with her six children, said that was actually directed at her daughter.

During the attack, several people also shouted “Allah Akbar” in front of the children, according to Sundroy and police sources.

The initial attack occurred shortly after the family arrived at the park around 6 p.m., according to Sundroy.

Ithaca, New York:

Cornell on high alert after hateful messages threaten to ‘slit the throats’ of Jewish students

Cornell University was put on high alert after a series of “horrendous, antisemitic” messages — including threats to rape and gun down Jewish students and even behead babies — were posted on a public forum, school officials said.

The upstate New York Ivy League school said campus cops were taking precautions — and had alerted the FBI to “a potential hate crime” just days after “F—k Israel” graffiti was also scrawled on campus sidewalks.

The “series of horrendous, antisemitic messages threatening violence” had specifically named 104 West, “the home of the Center for Jewish Living,” university president Martha Pollack said Sunday.

The vile threats were made throughout the weekend on Cornell’s Greekrank forums, which rank fraternity and sorority chapters, according to the student newspaper, the Cornell Sun.

One of the posts called for people to follow Jewish students home and slit their throats — while others called for female Jewish students to be raped and for Jewish babies to be beheaded in front of their parents.

Breaking 911 posted screen grabs.


Seattle, Washington (also posted earlier):


Harvard Square, Massachusetts:


This are getting stupid fast and it’s only going to be a short matter of time until ot goes from threats to violence, because the threats are not being dealt with seriously enough.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Things are getting stupid”
  1. Amazing how many white supremacist skinheads are on campuses and deep blue cities. Must be MAGA country.

    And you know the various perpetrators will never be outed by the media. They’ll all suddenly get a case of amnesia.

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