Earlier today said it was time for introspection.  I said the Left needed to use some of that empathy they claim that they have and try to understand why so many people were so mad that they protested in DC and some stormed the Capitol Building.

This is exactly what the Left said about the protesters and rioters on their side.  That they had a grievance, rioting was the voice of the voiceless, and that these were angry people who wanted to be heard.

By the end of yesterday, shoes were on both feet.

And like I predicted, introspection and understanding never happened.

Instead, this happened.


This was Ashli Babbit, according to The New York Times:

Ms. Babbitt had left the Air Force after two wars and 14 years, settling near the working-class San Diego suburb where she was raised. Life after the military was not easy. After briefly working security at a nuclear power plant, she was struggling to keep a pool-supply company afloat.

“You guys refuse, refuse to choose America over your stupid political party, I am so tired of it,” she said in a video message posted on Twitter, addressing California politicians. “You can consider yourself put on notice. Me and the American people. I am so tired of it, I am woke, man, this is absolutely unbelievable.”

Her brother, Roger Witthoeft, 32, said Ms. Babbitt had not told her family that she was planning to go to Washington. But he was not surprised that she would protest.

“My sister was 35 and served 14 years — to me that’s the majority of your conscious adult life,” said Mr. Witthoeft, of Lakeside, Calif. “If you feel like you gave the majority of your life to your country and you’re not being listened to, that is a hard pill to swallow. That’s why she was upset.”

“That was one of her things — for the first time in her life, she could actually say what she wanted to say, and didn’t have to bottle it up,” he said. She was frustrated, he said, with the number of homeless people in San Diego, and the difficulty of running a small business.

“My sister was a normal Californian,” he said. “The issues she was mad about were the things all of us are mad about.”

Her brother said she was passionate about Mr. Trump’s cause, and believed she was standing up for the American people.

“I know it mattered to her a lot at the end of her life,” he said. “It mattered so much that she died for it.”

This woman wasn’t a Nazi to any reasonable person.

She was just a frustrated small business owner in California, struggling and feeling ignored and abused by Democrat politicians.

Because she supported Trump, though, this man celebrates her death.

He dehumanizes saying she was the “opposite of a person” and a “pile of meat that moved and spoke and acted like a person.”

He says to hurt people like her is a good thing, it is to heal.

I don’t need to point out the hypocrisy and projection.  He had found a word that he can throw at someone that allows him to dehumanize her and revel in her death.  The irony is that word is “Nazi” and what he is doing is very much a Nazi tactic.  The word they threw around was Untermensch, and that word allowed them to murder millions of people.

Because Ms. Babbit was just a dejected small business owner, harmed by the lockdowns and frustrated with politics that turned beautiful places into slums, she could be any one of us.

That means that each and every one of us is a Nazi by Mr. Chu’s standards, and our deaths are something to celebrate as we are the opposite of people.

Yesterday I wanted introspection, compassion, and understanding.

I read this and now I want to do unspeakable things with a Sawzall.

Because this seems to be the reaction of the Left, it is only going to get worse.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Things are going to get so much worse”
  1. Garbage human says garbage things. Chu has never been the most stable nor compassionate person. Don’t let it get to you.

    1. It does not matter one bit who he is.

      Social media will allow his message to be heard by hundred of millions of people around the world. And, among those hundreds of millions will be tens fo thousands that agree with him, 100%.

      And, those tens of thousands will like and forward his message to hundreds of thousands more.

      And, a movement to eradicate Trump supporters will be started.

      Arthur Chu has a soapbox. He has a media that will allow him to share his messages denigrating and dehumanizing anyone on the “incorrect” side of the political aisle.

      Conservatives do not.

      A tweet that is 1/1,000,000th as hateful, incendiary, and violent from a conservative would have resulted in a 30 day ban, or deletion of the account.

      President Trump wanted to remove big tech’s protections under section 230 (IIRC). When a media starts controlling content, they are subject to rules that FB, Twitter, Google did not want to put up with.
      And, people wonder why big tech donated hundreds of millions of dollars to the Dems in 2020.

  2. The Mikado, source of Words Of Wisdom: “I’ve made a little list/ of those who won’t be missed….”

    Mr. Chu: are you the singer, or the subject of the song?

  3. Two things. One: who is this person. Two: are you honestly surprised.

    Those are not questions, he nothing more than a hate filled far left nutjob on Twitter spewing the thing the far left has been spewing on Twitter for five years.

    Oh, things are going to get worse. And at this point it is too late to stop it. But all that is in the short term. A political ideology like this can only last so long before it inevitably destroys itself. And murdering political dissidents is not going to go over well. But it is still a matter of how big the mountain of bodies is going to be when it is actually ‘over’.

  4. Me thinks these types will fade with time. And now is a good time to ignore the idiots on twitter. Until this asshat rolls up my drive he is insignificant in my life.
    My 3 favorite words- not my problem- come into play. Take a deep breath Mr J and hang tuff.

    1. Curby, I am not so sure these people will fade. Not fast enough.

      Social media gives people like this too wide of an audience. Getting tens of thousands of likes on a tweet like that emboldens people like this, it does not let them fade away.

  5. What ever happened to the old internet forum rule that whoever compared their opposition to nazis or hitler first automatically lost the argument?

    1. That only applies to people on the right side of the political aisle.

      First axiom of politics is in play

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