By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Things that make me smile a lot”
  1. Yes, cool.
    And also profound if you ask me. I’m not Jewish, but I’m on board with Jews for the Preservation of Gun Ownership and like they say, you don’t have to be Jewish to be with them. The principle applies to us all.

    1. Same here. BTW, speaking of JPFO, look up the blog articles on their website by Rabbi Dovid Bendory. They make interesting reading, and as with JPFO generally, you don’t have to be a jew to appreciate them.

  2. I’d love to know where that shooting range is.

    I’m not sure whether anyone will see this–I’m late to the comment train–but, here goes…

    You can’t get a JPFO kippah, but you CAN get a Zelman Partisans kippah. Here’s the link, if you’re interested:

    It was annoying that the JPFO board sold the web site to the 2AF when Aaron Zelman died–his very dedicated staff wanted to keep JPFO going, but they were, apparently, not consulted, and the 2AF hasn’t been doing much with the JPFO web site and membership list except fundraising. The staff starting the Zelman Partisans (, which, at least, has been writing and posting new stuff, but they’re probably more enthusiastic than effective, because they’re small and poorly funded.

    For the last several years, including last week, I read Torah in our synagogue on Rosh Hashana, wearing my Zelman Partisans kippah, and, of course, carrying concealed. It’s one of the safer places in the santuary–when I’m reading, I’m facing the doors, and the readers’ table is decent concealment, and possibly cover as well. Unfortunately, I’m only on the bimah for the reading…

    L’shana tova….

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