This is the ONLY tweet today, Independence Day, from a sitting member of Congress.

This mush racism in hatred towards America from a Member of Congress on Independence Day should come with some sort of official reprimand.

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By J. Kb

18 thoughts on “This deserves censure”
  1. Stolen land? From who? Oh, the American Indians? You mean the ones that were constantly at war between the tribes to steal and re-steal land from each other?

    And, the black are NOT free in the US. They are wholly owned by the Democrat party. Which uses them as they please.

    1. Oh, and let’s also remember that the land was not stolen when the Europeans showed up. The overwhelming majority of the land was transferred via treaty, or outright purchased. (Manhattan island for $24 in beads, etc… The indians that owned it thought the land was pretty much useless, and believed they were ripping off the stupid europeans.)

      Aside from a few treaties that the US Government has not lived up to, every square inch of land in the US was acquired legally. Well, I guess chunks of the southwest was stolen from the mexicans. But… when the ownership of the land transferred to the US, the people living were not thrown out. In fact, aside from the person they paid taxes to, nothing changed. Land that was in the family for generations remained in the family.

      Idiots who do not understand history have no place in politics. Then again, if we required knowledge of history, there would be no Democrats.

    1. Rick, I don’t think she believes this. I think she’s simply evil and a profiteer, just like “rev” Al Sharpton and Maxine Waters — both millionaires who got rich out of promoting other people’s continued misfortune. I call Al a “misery pimp” for that reason.

  2. Keep it up, cretin! Don’t be surprised when we decide to live up to your expectations!

  3. Da Nang Dick (Blumenthal) (spit) did have a fairly respectable tweet on Independence Day, unlike Murphy (spit) and Larson (spit) from Connecticut.

  4. Censure? This is the official opinion of the Democrat party and the president himself.

  5. Ya know… if blacks really wernt “free” still in America, this idiot wouldnt be a member of CONGRESS.. fuk these idiots. Im so sick and tired of RICH BLACK PEOPLE moanin “they aint free”

  6. Then leave you ungrateful female canine. (best I can do without being completely disrespectful)

  7. Rep. Bush has a reported net worth of $1 million.

    Prior to assuming her congressional office on 3 January 2021 (which only pays $174,000 annually) she was working as a registered nurse and a faith healer… and as recently as 2009, she claims to have been living in her car. (Yeah, she has a GrDip in Nursing and still believes people can cure disease by saying magic words and waving magic wands. Go fig.)

    I’m unaware of many oppressed people who are able to obtain master’s level educational credentials, get elected to high government office, and become millionaires. If that’s oppression, then sign me the hell up.

    1. What changed since 1852?

      Well there was that little Fracas called the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865 where over half a million people were killed as we fought to destroy SLAVERY. The Emancipation Proclamation and Thirteenth Amendment permanently ended slavery in the US.

      We had some setbacks when Democrats and their terrorist arm, the KKK tried to roll back Equal Rights by siccing poor whites on Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Republicans, and other “undesireables.”

      Then, Democrat President Woodrow Wilson and his Democrat cronies were successful in segregating blacks and others out of Southern Society and the Federal Government. Jim Crow was the law of the South.

      Civil rights were finally assured when Northern Democrats finally abandoned the Southern Dixiecrats and joined the REPUBLICAN Party to pass the Civil Rights Act in the 1960’s. .

  8. Uh, Ish? Speaking as an RN, myself, I have first hand knowledge that RN schooling and licensure does NOT map directly to “rational employment of the scientific method”.

    Plenty of RNs employ “essential oils” and suchlike, unironically. At least, in their personal lives.

    1. Dammit, Reltney… Let me cling to my comforting delusion that the people I rely on for medical treatment have a basic understanding of how medicine works. I know it’s a lie, but I was happy pretending I didn’t know.

      1. I think of medical school as a high priced trade school, similar to the place you attend to learn to be an electrician or welder. None of those trades make you a scientist.
        Yes, most MDs have an understanding of medicine, in a practical sense. Some are delusional and some are quacks, I suppose you find that in any trade. (The difference is that electricians or welders need to be closely tied to reality, otherwise the things they create catch fire or fall down.) But an understanding of science? Not so much. The trade doesn’t really require it, and the training doesn’t seem to teach it much.
        A tiny fraction of MDs are scientists, in the sense of people who study the field and expand its knowledge. DeBakey is an example, as is James Normal. Fauci, I don’t think so.

        1. Spell “corrector” at work in the above. I was speaking of Dr. James Norman of Tampa, FL.

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