The union members who were convinced to vote for Biden are PISSED!

I guess Trumka thought Biden was lying to the environmentalist demographic and would support union jobs.  He didn’t expect the double-cross where the environmentalists got what they were promised and Big Labor got the shaft.

Consider that when the CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said it was safe for schools to open, the Biden administration cut her legs out from under her and said she was only speaking in a personal capacity because the teachers’ unions want to keep working remotely.

So Biden still lets the teachers’ union craft policy that benefits them but big labor took a back seat to a bunch of screeching millennials on Twitter raised on Captain Planet who think the world will end in 12 11 years.

Trumka has no power in the Biden Administration and at least half of his dues-paying members want to cram him down a borehole and his body language shows that he knows that.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “This interview is a case study in body language”
  1. i remember videos of union members screaming at Crowder threatening to kill him and pulling a tent down around him. Them blocking traffic and yelling at Trump supporters and threatening to kill them.

    Until they start cleaning house and taking on the old guard who threatening the new blood on how to vote and speak and actually go after runaway union reps and presidents I’ve got no sympathy.

    I duck, dived, dodged, and played every dirty trick I could to avoid joining the union until we became a Right to Work state and some of em are still gunning for me.

  2. The two minute mark is great montage of ‘facial expressions you make you just realized your union bosses are fitting you for concrete shoes.’

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