Jimmy Carter is 5′ 10″

Jill Biden is 5′ 6″

Rosalynn Carter is 5′ 5″

Joe Biden is 6′ 0″

This doesn’t seem like a forced perspective shot used to make 5′ 6″ Elijah Wood look like a Hobbit next to 5′ 11″ Ian McKellen.

Nope, not at all.

No fuckery here.

Just a normal photograph.


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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on ““This is a normal photograph of two Presidents and First Ladies. This is normal. You are not being lied to by the media.””
    1. As an owner of Size 14 gunboats/clodhoppers, you’re aiming rather low there. That perspective is pushing Carter into Shaq’s Size 22 territory.

  1. What photographer thought they could get away with this kind of fish-eye-lens/forced perspective bullshit? Every day I’m more and more convinced of the whole ‘you’re not supposed to believe it, you’re supposed to be humiliated that you play along’ communist propaganda thing is actually going on

  2. I don’t get it. What are they trying to accomplish by putting the Bidens a foot and a half in front of the Carters?

  3. And my first thought was where is your fucking mask, Biden? I thought it was a patriotic duty

  4. And why, oh why, are we not celebrating our first Hobbit-American president and FLOTUS, Jimmy and Rosalyn?

  5. No, forced perspective adequately explains it. The odd appearance of Jimmy’s shoes supports that. They’re the closest object to the camera which is clearly equipped with a wide-angle lens.

    A more serious question would be “Where is Joe’s mask?”

  6. Gutfield said that the Bidens are going on the road with their new ventriloquist act.

  7. It’s a very obviously odd looking photo, and one that triggers the uncanny valley effect. Something is weird and odd and off, and it’s noticeable enough to undo any sort of propaganda value of making the Bidens look “bigger”. As such, it’s a propaganda flop, but the kind of clownshoes act we’ve come to expect from Circleback Jen and gang.

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