I saw this tweet and I was wondering who was Madonna’s friend and if there was a story behind her voting.
And then I realized that is Madonna.

Sorry, this is not being vain by trying to cheat age with a few nips and tucks. This is a rejection of your identity as a human being for whatever psychological issues are you having and can’t deal with like other human beings. This level of facial reconstruction was once the realm of those who had a major disfiguring accident or needed the change of looks because they were targets for death. Somebody the replies commented about the pin-prick pupils and I would not be surprised if there was some of that too.
This is a full fledged live album of somebody whose subconscious is screaming for help… and the conscious is telling us to vote Biden?
I don’t think so.
And pollsters are starting to frame a rationale for how Trump could win… and of course how they could have missed it.
Warning … recalibrate your contempt- and snark-ometers for the high end of the range before reading.
When did she get replaced by a space alien?
The pupils could also be from the floodlight she’s staring into in an effort to eliminate shadows.
Going the Michael Jackson route.
Not just bright lights. Pin sized pupils are signs of being high on Opiates.
She hit the uncanny valley a couple of decades ago. Now, she looks like some space alien trying to design an attractive woman based entirely on a verbal description, without ever having seen one.