Dear Rainbow Farters: Let me give you a piece of advice. Prepping is not that hard. You can start stocking in the cheap buy buying one extra item a week that will not be touched but for emergencies. This week, one can of tuna, next week a can of Spam, next week a bag of dry pinto beans (and learn to cook) next week a bag or rice (again, learn to cook)

Place those items in a box, (sealed would be better) and soon enough you have a damned decent stock of foodstuffs for emergencies. Substitute one week of extra grocery buying with other items, but trust me, a box with 52 articles of food and survival make for a great cushion.

And maybe you really do not need the latest $1,500 Smart Phone that just came out that links to  the equally expensive  smart watch. I think they can’t be boiled and produce enough calories to feed you even once.

Just a thought.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “This is absolute madness”
  1. I have a shelf of dry goods in my garage with about a 2 week supply of staples. New stuff goes in, old stuff comes out, it’s a rotation.

    This is the way it’s been in my house since I was a little kid. You never know when they will announce a hurricane is going to hit and everybody runs out for stuff.

    You can take the boy out of Florida but you cannot take the Florida out of the boy.

  2. Yep. When i need 2 (widgets), I buy 4. Over time, Dad’s Stash O’ Stuff grows, and eventually Dad can support himself, Mom, and several adult kids, for (N) amount of time.

  3. I find it ironic that these ‘Rainbow Farters’ call Wuhan virus a boomer-killer and think it is funny. Apparently they have yet to realize that without boomers to leech from they’ll end up out on the street since they haven’t a clue on how to adult.


  4. Several years back (I want to say around 2011) someone wrote up a great plan on how to prep and build up food storage for $5 per week. After a year, you have almost 300 lbs of dry and canned goods with a long shelf life.

    It got cross-posted everywhere and is easily found on t3h G00gle-webz.

    What we’re seeing at Costcos and Sam’s Clubs and every other bulk foods store is the collective realization that the corporate shift to Just-In-Time restocking — as opposed to maintaining expensive warehouses — is insufficient for actual emergencies.

    Also, that the people ridiculed as “preppers” may have been on to something, even as the general populace and media continue to ridicule them for their foresight … while at the same time trying to emulate them.

    What’s amazing to me is the cognitive dissonance and sheer lack of self-aware thinking on display. The same people who mockingly asked, “Who needs 96 rolls of toilet paper?”, are now going out and buying 96-packs of the stuff. It’s a VERY short step to then consider gun owners’ preference for factory-standard-capacity magazines, but the cognitive dissonance will prevent them from taking that step.

    The scariest part is, these people vote.

  5. That’s pretty wild, I wonder how long it took to get into the store.

    Went to the grocery store last night and there were only 3 things almost 100% out:
    Hand sanitizer

    Everything else was still highly available and lots of fresh produce still. Canned items, cereal, and other meats took a hot but they definitely weren’t Soviet grocery level of empty.

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