So Cenk Uygur, the racist, anti-Semitic, beastiality fetishist, Leftist with a show named after a genocidal political party, went to Twitter with another one of his insane ideas.

This time, he wanted to recruit people to help overthrow Donald Trump if Trump loses the election and the military doesn’t immediately take him out of office.

(Let’s forget for a moment that’s not how it would work even if Trump refused to step down come Biden’s inauguration.)

Sure, why the fuck not.  Let him have his little Young Turk revolutionary fantasy.

There were a number of replies, but this one made me laugh.


Look again.  That’s not ammo for something belt-fed with a giggle switch.

That is a box of 300 Win Mag soft point in a cheap elastic cartridge bandoleer that she wants you to think is belt-fed badassery.

Teresa here is a pro-Bernie, socialist, activist trans-woman from Portland.

He also happens to look like an old cat lady.

His last Twitter post about guns was this:



I’m going to infer from this that he is not terribly pro-gun.

The last time I went to Cabela’s, the only ammo they had in stock was hunting ammo in overbore and oddball calibers, e.g., 7mm Rem Mag, 300 Win Mag, 25-06, 17 Mach 2, etc.

Considering that Teresa here didn’t post a picture of his gun, there is a substantial part of me that suspects that he actually bought a box of hunting ammo and a bandolier at the local sporting goods shop just to take that picture.

I could be wrong, but all the evidence points in the direction of an internet tough guy and not the second coming of Che that he thinks he is.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “This is better than a shoulder thing that goes up”
  1. You are forgetting that he is a leftist. And, leftists, like the toddlers they are, actually think their “identity” has some form of value. That is actually matters to someone other than themselves.

    Add to that they actually think “raising awareness” is actually contributing to society. Or that putting their “preferred pronoun” in their e-mail signature is convincing the LBGTQWERTYWHATEVER crowd that they are on their side.

    Yet, deep down inside, they know it is nothing but smoke and mirrors.

    Net result, this idiot actually thinks that by showing a picture of some ammo they are actually committing to overthrowing the President. A picture on a tweet, in their world is the equivalent of showing up.

    Preferred pronoun: I am adult enough not to be offended if you get it wrong.

  2. You’re right.
    It’s a form of proggie virtue signaling that is always ‘form over substance’.
    I’ll agree he doesn’t own a rifle. Those 15 rounds out of a box of whatever belted mag ammo and an elastic bandoleer cost him less than dinner at one of the trendy upscale restaurants he hasn’t been able to go to since the shutdowns.

    And I’ll bet that Uyger wouldn’t be seen within 100 miles of DC if anything close to what he’s mewling about happened anyway. He’s one of these agents provocateur types, going around poking ‘Why don’t you and him fight!’ while keeping their hands clean.

  3. Lets see what happens when the secrect service visits him. These “people” think twitter is the voice of America.

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