Next is making Trump supports wear a yellow “T” at all times so that decent ubermemchen people know who to not hire, not to business with, and shun from society.

They say they want healing but this is the opposite of that.

Congratulations, we are repeating  August 1934 Germany where and anyone who voted against Hitler got a visit from the Schutzstaffel.

Did you go to a Trump rally after election day, even though Trump was still the duly elected and sworn in president still in his first term?

They will find you and make sure you never work again.

When they say “time to heal” they mean “time to heel” and that are talking about you to them

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “THIS is CNN”
  1. WTAF is he talking about in his second tweet? Who’s taking a Biden to a landscaping company?

  2. FUK. JAKE. FUKKIN. TAPPER. You gonna get reminded “how to lose” when America and Trump win AGAIN. the “will of the people” elected Trump. I gotta headache…..

  3. “but how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity.” — So, we’re expected to keep that in mind, when a candidate presents themselves to us, who spent 4 years ranting about “the Russians!!!!”?

  4. No worries, Tapper. Will will use the Democrat’s own behavior as a model of our calm, respectful acceptance of the legal winner, and will try every bit as hard as they did to use compromise, to respect the positions of our opponents, to understand where they are coming from. So what can you be worried about?

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