From Forbes:

Biden Administration Urges Supreme Court To Let Cops Enter Homes And Seize Guns Without A Warrant

The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday will hear oral argument in Caniglia v. Strom, a case that could have sweeping consequences for policing, due process, and mental health, with the Biden Administration and attorneys general from nine states urging the High Court to uphold warrantless gun confiscation.

But in its first amicus brief before the High Court, the Biden Administration glossed over these concerns and called on the justices to uphold the First Circuit’s ruling. Noting that “the ultimate touchstone of the Fourth Amendment is ‘reasonableness,’” the Justice Department argued that warrants should not be “presumptively required when a government official’s action is objectively grounded in a non-investigatory public interest, such as health or safety.”

“The ultimate question in this case is therefore not whether the respondent officers’ actions fit within some narrow warrant exception,” their brief stated, “but instead whether those actions were reasonable,” actions the Justice Department felt were “justified” in Caniglia’s case.

Basically, given the context of the case, the idea is that the police should be able to confiscate guns without a warrant if they think it’s reasonable for community caretaking.

Given the slippery slope and Democrat prejudices, the Biden DOJ could argue that any citizen should be able to have his AR-15 taken without a warrant if it’s good for the community.

With the way the Left criticized white men following the Boulder shooting, the Left could argue it’s good caretaking of the public to strip this group in particular and all AR-15 owners in general of their  guns.

This is the decision they would need to enact door to door confiscation, not just destroying the Second Amendment but the Fourth as well.

They are laying the ground work for bad things with the case.  We need Trump’s SCOTUS picks to go to bat for civil rights, now more than ever.

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By J. Kb

27 thoughts on “This is f**king bad… the big luau might be starting soon”
  1. This is utter crap. If the SCOTUS gives Biden what he wants, the Christmas will be morning by Christmas. And the US will be destroyed.

  2. Remember what CS Lewis said:
    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

    1. How do I know the man in a uniform with a badge isn’t a robber, or worse? Enter my house without my permission could be dangerous to your health.

  3. The problem is they won’t because all 9 SCOTUS justices like literally every judge in the United States WANTS the complete and total ban of all gun ownership with door to door confiscation of all guns and the mandate execution without trial of every single United States citizen in the country found to be in a home with guns.

    So WHEN Biden executive orders HR 127 not only will that be found completely “constitutional” by
    SCOTUS if they even take the case but the door confiscation of those guns the others decision will also be “constitutional“. Just like the Democrats mandating the complete and total exclamation of all human life in the United States minus themselves and people are fully support them Is constitutional.

    Or they could just do what they normally do and say that they are not taking the case therefore saying the president at the complete and total ban of all private gun ownership with using the military to go door to door to confiscate all guns by force and exterminate every single gun owner, every single person that’s in a home with a gun as well as the entire population of the United States is against that is constitutional. Therefore basically saying Democrats Democrats have carte blanche authority to literally exterminate all human life in the United States except Democrats.

    It’s not a matter of if Scotus will declare that the extermination of 300 million United States is legal because Democrats. It’s a matter of WHEN the supreme court will declare that the extermination of 300 million United States of the things is legal because Democrats. They want they are complete and told extermination of every United States us and that opposes or resist them up to and preferably including all human life in the United States minus themselves and illegals and they will get it. It’s not a matter of if it’s a matter of when hundreds of millions of people are killed in the United States by the Democrats. Because they want to literally replace the population.

    1. Unfortunately, the court has shown in other rulings that it 4-5 as often as it’s 5-4, and we still don’t understand what causes Roberts to go leftist.

      1. Today, we don’t necessarily need Roberts. Alito & Thomas are almost without question pro-2A. Gorsuch is strong on ‘individual rights’, and both Kavanaugh and Barret have written dissents that are against bans and prohibitions.

        That’s 5 justices right there without Roberts.

        And as the Chief Justice can decide who writes a majority opinion if he also votes for it, he just might sign on to pro-2A ruling so he can decide to write the decision hisslef to possibly water it down.

  4. It’s definitely a problem when nearly all of the politicians in all three branches hate and despise the Constitution.
    The underlying argument in this case is Constitution nonsense. The 4th Amendment doesn’t mean “the government can conduct reasonable searches without a warrant, but unreasonable ones only if it has a warrant”. It means “to conduct a search, there must be a warrant, AND the search must be reasonable”. And by the way, a warrant is not valid unless requested under oath, and it must identify the place to search AND the items to be seized.

    A search that doesn’t obey every last one of these requirements is illegal, and a judge who permits such a search is a perjurer.

    1. Years ago I was reading a book for religious Jews incapable of studying Torah in the original (I.e. ignorami like myself), on the topic of cultivating the virtue of trust in G-d. The author discussed the folly of trusting other sources of protection… such as the US Constitution. And he raised a simple point: When judges no longer believe in or defer to the Constitution, it’s a mere piece of paper with no power at all. My reaction then was “Absurd! Yes, there are Leftists, but they’ll never be able to overcome American tradition.” Well, I don’t think that way anymore….

      1. And, much like the Torah’s admonition to teach your children (when you rise, when you sit, when you lie down…), the mere presence of the Law or the Constitution accomplishes nothing. The people have to follow the Law, and the people have to enforce the Constitution.

        Which is why Adams said the Constitution would only work for a moral and religious people.

        (Now ponder the admonition to not marry foreigners, and link that to immigration…. 😉 )

      2. They might have a bit of a problem seizing guns with or without a warrant. Citizens in the US have ~20 times the total number of guns of all the military under arms in every country in the world. Saying “No” could be pretty definitive about a proposal to seize guns, no matter what _any_ court rules.

  5. Stop bitching. If the commies terminate the 2nd amendment, we go to war with them and their children. Then, what will they do????’

    1. I’m sad to say you could be right. They will never ever stop. If they back us into a corner I believe there will be enough of us to fight back because we will have nothing to loose.
      I am ex-military and I swore an oath to the constitution and that oath lasts for life. If I have to I am willing to die for our freedoms.
      Why do you think we have our freedom? Because men and women were willing to die for said freedom.
      May God help us all.

  6. Do that and most of us have nothing more to fear or lose.

    Brings focus to the saying “fuck around and find out”

  7. that is some Sporty Word Cookin now ain’t it.

    We Shall See

    Allmost forgot ol’SCrOTUS..
    Let’s say, I ain’t counting on there, Intelligence.

    Again, We Shall See

  8. Maybe someine could point out to me the words “health” and “safety” in the Constitution.

  9. Yall, lets do some math( MATH, not meth). 200 million gun owners, one hour per house to search, take guns.. that is 200 MILLION hours. Thats 96 THOUSAND YEARS at a 40 hour work week. Stop with the door to door confiscation shiite. This will die in the senate. Like the old drug adds said, just say no. We the People will not be bullied. Look at this current democrat run- everything they do is getting push back. Even the media!!! is asking questions biden doesnt want to aswer…

    1. 96,000 man-years is only a year if you have 96,000 men. Which the govt does. 35,000 in the FBI alone. There are like 25K National Guardsmen “protecting” Washington DC, and millions on tap. Most every Cabinet department has some kind of armed force – the IRS has guns, Dept of the Interior has guns, probably HHS has guns, probably the Dept of Ed even.

      In high school I wrote a paper on “why didn’t Nixon burn the tapes?” And answered it, “Too many tapes.” You know what, the resources of a nation-state can get these kinds of things done.

    2. Well, it’s not like they’d only assign a single officer to that job. Fed, state, local, etc as of 2008 (according to Wikipedia) there were close enough to call it 900k LEOs nationwide. I think 200m gun owning households is way high, even if 200m gun owners is close (and for that to be the case you’d have to include the kids living in the house, not just the adults). Probably closer to 80m households. At your stated 1 hour each, and assuming 4 LEOs per raid, if 5% of LEOs were tasked with the job, and worked at 40 hours a week it would take 3.4 years. If they got half of the nations cops to do it then it would take a little over 4 months.

      But, they won’t get 5% to do the job, let alone half. Maybe they’d get 5% at the start to go along with it, but after a few dozen or perhaps a hundred die in the raids the first week very few will be so willing to persist. Plus factoring in how many of their own friends and relatives would be raided and possibly killed and they might never even get close to 5% willing to conduct the raids in the first place.

      Enough Americans know the quote from The Gulag Archipelago about resisting the depredations of the state. Or if they don’t know the quote they still know the reasoning and are willing to fight.

  10. If you haven’t already, start making your lists. Know who it is that is pushing this stuff in your local area and be prepared to act accordingly. It’s that or the boxcars for you and your family. Make your choice.

  11. The local rabbit population discovers that local wolves prefer their local rabbits to be unarmed … so much, in fact, that local wolves only want to hunt local unarmed rabbits.

    But what happens when a few pigs from one town over decide they also like hunting local rabbits, especially the more dangerous rabbits such as Army rabbits because they’re a challenge?

    Still, not all wolves are smart, despite selection pressures generally leading that way, and a few wolves get caught in the crossfire after mistaking some of the pigs for Army rabbits?

    Silly wolves, they thought they could behave like rabbits too!

    Just stick to hunting non-Army rabbits, good wolves, especially the weakest of the rabbits, and let the pigs have a few too because there are plenty of rabbits for hunting.

    In Bugs Bunny’s Rabbit-opia, it’s always Rabbit Season!

    Silly rabbits, don’t you know all you need is to have your own gun like Elmer Fudd’s and you can get off the menu?

    Why, I say, I say, that there’s some target pre-selection …

    Maybe those Army rabbits could learn a few things from wolves.

  12. “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

    ― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

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