Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election.

Democrats proceeded to Lose. Their. Fucking. Minds.

Phase 1:  Attack the electoral college.

Hillary won the popular vote but lost the elector college.  The electoral college was created to protect rural regions from the tyranny of big cities.  Our founded didn’t want a simple majority rules system of government.  They knew how bad that would be.

So Liberals went on the attack against the electoral college.  They declared it racist because rural areas tend to have a higher populations of white people while cities have a higher percentage of minorities.  They called the electoral college “the absolute worst.”  Senator Barbra Boxer even tried to submit a bill to end the electoral college.

Then they discovered that was too difficult because it would require amending the Constitution.

Phase 2: Make the electoral college work for them.

If they can’t beat ’em, join ’em.  Democrats want the electoral college in Trump states to become faithless electors and vote for Hilary against the popular vote of the the states they represent.  If they can’t do it nicely with a petition the electors to change their vote, they will harass and threaten electors.  Nothing says “stable representative democracy”  like putting your candidate in charge using threats and violence.

Unfortunately for the Democrats, there won’t be enough faithless electors to flip the election.

Phase 3: Burn it all and salt the earth.

Hillary didn’t lose the election.  It was a conspiracy between the CIA, FBI Director James Comey, the FBI, and Putin’s Russia to hack the election for Donald Trump.  See, if it tuns out that our election was not a free and fair election, and it was a Russian plot to put Trump in the White House, then the Democrats could sue and get Hillary Clinton appointed President by the courts.

Of course the Democrats don’t want to acknowledge that Director Comey was appointed by Barack Obama.  Nor do they want to discuss how it was that the Russians were able to hack a US election with Democrat President Barack Obama in the White House and presiding over the FBI and CIA.

The Democrats were adamant that President George W. Bush should have been able to prevent 9/11, despite little warning and no precedent for that type of attack, and they never let him forget it for 8 years.  That Barack Obama, with 8 years in office under his belt, failed to prevent the Russians from flipping an American election… there’s nothing to see here.

Not just do they want Hillary installed in the Oval Office, they want to Winston Smith Director Comey by investigating and punishing him in a kangaroo court hearing for a conspiracy that didn’t happen to cover up the criminal act of trying to overthrowing the democratically elected President of the United States with a bogus law suit.

The Democrats have reached a point where they are openly willing to admit that:

The United States government can’t be trusted.  Senior officials appointed by the President himself, the agencies they run have joined forces with America’s enemies.  Our elections are not just not the most secure in the world, but are easily tampered with.

All for the purpose of going against the intent of our Founding Fathers, the Constitution, and the will of the people, to put their candidate in charge.

Let’s say they did all that, hypothetically. what will they have gained?  Hillary Clinton will become the President of what?  What will happen to the United States if the Democrats are successful with their legal coup?  Will Trump voting Middle America roll over and accept Hillary being made president by a judge’s orders?  Will there be a peaceful transition of power.  Will the Red States between the coasts go all “Sanctuary City” and just stop following Federal law under a Hillary presidency?

Are the Democrats really willing to destroy the United States to take control of the presidency?

It won’t be the first time they tore this nation apart because they didn’t get what they want.

Here’s to hoping that history doesn’t repeat itself.

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By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “This is getting out of hand”
  1. Funny how the voting works perfectly and America isnt racist when obama won TWICE.
    Wake up America. Our kind compassionate caring tolorant liberals are not going away.

    1. Let’s look at it this way; if the results were reversed, and Trump won the popular vote, but Clinton won the electoral college vote, these whiny brats would be praising the electoral college.

  2. Go back to paper ballots and election ink and you’re done. No more mail in ballots, no more electronic voting machines. It’s one thing third-world countries do right (up to a point).

    Also just think of all the money you’d save not having to print all those “I voted” stickers. 🙂


  3. In part, I think this current round is what we get for not pressing on the recorded voter fraud after winning. Machines had to be retired at an unprecedented rate, and the Trump campaign put out an ad to call *them* about incidents of election fraud alongside the regular law-enforcement channels.

    Conan was wrong. If there is enough of your enemies to be driven before you, if anyone remembers them to do any lamentation, then they have not been sufficiently crushed.

  4. Someone else said it,

    The Democrats have not been this angry at Republicans since the Republicans freed the Democrat’s slaves.

  5. There are two things that would precipitate a civil war (and the liberals/progressives/Democrats would lose badly):

    1. Gun confiscation (so Democrats really should be thankful that the corrupt Hildabeast lost because she is the just the type of criminal despot who could have provoked enough Americans to get an uprising).

    2. Stealing the election with these inexcusable efforts. Good people like me would be shooting politicians, judges, and anyone else involved if they succeeded (and they will not).

  6. All good points above, but I think you got something wrong.

    I don’t believe H did receive the popular vote. Sure, her numbers are bigger, but how many of those are legitimate? We all know that every 4 years the dead rise to vote democrat, and lord knows how many… undocumented… votes got counted like they were supposed to matter.

    In short, I think H got buried in a landslide, period. All the rest is the daycare screaming at the workers.

    1. You may be more correct than you suspect.
      HRC won the popular vote by about 2.7M votes.

      Sounds like a lot, until you look at CA. HRC won CA by a little over 3.4M votes.

      And let’s not forget that CA will issue a driver’s license to illegals, no questions asked. And what works as a photo ID almost everywhere?

      If Trump were to call for a recount and vote verification in CA alone, that popular vote lead would likely disappear.

  7. She didn’t win the popular vote because we didn’t have a popular vote. That simple. Yes, we can count the totals and call that the “popular vote”…but in a true popular voting-based election we have no idea what would have happened.

    Trump was coming from behind from the start. He campaigned in places that would get him electoral votes if his message was received well…and it was, and he did get those votes.

    What would have happened if he had campaigned in places that would get him more popular vote if his message was received well? We have no idea. Considering how much better his message was received than Hillary’s in the places he did campaign I’m gonna guess he would have just won the popular vote in as much of a landslide as he won the electoral vote in this election.

    And it’s not just about campaigning either. The mindset of the voter is completely different too. It’s easy for a person to know that their state goes red/blue every year and think “I’m not gonna bother because the outcome of my state is gonna be blue/red no matter what I do.” We go on with monikers about how everyone’s vote counts…but the reality is that that’s not true, and most people are smart enough to know that. If you don’t live in a battleground state, or at very least a “leans” state…your individual vote really doesn’t count for crap and you know it. It’s gonna change the margin of your state, and that’s pretty much it. It will not influence the final electors.

    We have no idea who truly would have won a popular voting process because we didn’t have a popular voting process.

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