From Saturday’s riots in Portland.

The mob is attacking people with piss and shit.

Literally piss and shit.

Like mental patients.

Who collets piss and shit and stuffs it into balloons and condoms?

How do you do that?  Does Antifa set up buckets for collection from volunteers?  Are there assembly lines of people forcing shit into water balloons like when they made shields?  Who agrees to do that job.

I don’t want to think about it.  Really.

All I can say is that if I got hit with a water balloon full of shit, I would shoot the person who hit me with it.  No bullshit.  Not even with something they might survive.

I went hunting once.  I gut shot a 100 lbs pig with a 7mm Remington Magnum loaded with a 175 grain soft point.  It put a hole in that pig I could pass my arm through.  Intestines hanging out the exit wound for a couple of feet.  The shot wasn’t instantly fatal, the pig screamed for a another couple of minutes until the guide we were with shot it in the head with a 22.  It was the grossest thing I’ve ever seen in my life and is why that is the one and only time I have ever hunted.

The person who hits me with a water balloon full of shit is going to get gut shot with that same 7mm Remington Magnum and that same 175 grain soft point load and can die screaming with his intestines hanging out just like that pig.

I’m not fucking around.  Anybody who sprays another human being in the face with piss or shit because of a political disagreement deserves nothing less.

Considering the diseases that can be spread this way, including hepatitis which can be a death sentence, this is just another justification for the police to start breaking up these riots with lethal force.

When people behind a shield wall are hurling water balloons full of shit at the cops.  The cops should shoot through the shield wall.


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By J. Kb

15 thoughts on “This is gross and people should be shot for it”
  1. Disgusting and gross, indeed. But also threat of death or grave bodily harm, and therefore legally justification for self defense with deadly force.

  2. This is what happens when you let these deranged perverted animals loose for Three! (3!) Freaking! Months! They constantly try to one up one another, as they rapidly dehumanize their opposition in their own minds. If the Portland cops had shut this down in the first week of June, do you think these crazies would have been out there toting around buckets of piss and shit?

    It takes time for madness like this to appear. It takes time for the indoctrination and brainwashing to take effect. The constant chanting, marching, fighting, positive group feedback, and constant nightly riots have suddenly filled some of these people with the only meaning and sense of belonging they have ever had in their entire otherwise empty lives. How many of these people are now for all intents and purposes programmed hate filled zombies?

    It really isn’t even surprising. It is the inevitable result of psychological control by the hard core revolutionaries leading them and shaping them, along with the malicious abandonment of their duties by the progressive politicians in those cities and states.

    People that may have been brought back to reality by an arrest, a few days in jail, or a fine, are now going to need a bigger slap in the face by reality. Or maybe they will be permanently broken, and a devoted mindless footsoldier of the left until they die.

  3. This is ratcheting up. They’re spreading into the suburbs (as you’ve pointed out) and raising their ante night by night. Can you imagine them trying this in the suburbs? That’s going to work only in the most gun-controlled places.

    I’ve heard for months (and said originally) that what they want is their Kent State moment. They think that if they can get police to shoot someone the nation rises up behind them.

    I think they’ve shot their wad. I think if the cops should shoot someone, they’d be selling that Kent State, “innocent young girl crying next to her friend” image and 80% of Americans will be going, “it’s about f**king time! What took you so long!” and, “let me help you reload.”

    1. SG
      I am afraid the people controlling them will use that as an excuse to go underground like the Weatherman did in the 1970’s. Thanks to the feckless politicians on the West Coast, they will have a lot of devoted soldiers to go underground with, and a huge, sympathetic group of people providing cover and support. This includes lots of rich dilettantes and Hollywood celebrities willing to finace their terrorist lives while hiding underground. There is also a huge existing network of probable supporters from the environmental, animal rights, gay/trans rights, and the antiwar groups. “Intersectionality”

    2. SIG, I can imagine them trying it in the suburbs. But suburbanites are getting used to this, too.

      And, they also have the example of Ken and Karen in St. Louis as to what will happen if they try to keep the rioters moving along. It’s happened in a few other places – successfully and peacefully, more or less – but the StL one got all the attention.

      I really don’t know what will happen in suburbia, especially if whoever’s controlling the rioters tries to turn it up faster. But if they keep the same progressive pace, they might just get away with it there also.

  4. The funny thing about racheting up fairly gradually – over three months in this case – is that we hear a pretty constant rhetoric saying “At the next level people will start getting shot.” But it seems that never quite happens. Why? Just like an Overton window, I think, the baseline is being moved for the people in the city.

    And I do wonder what will happen in the suburbs. But again, suburbanites are seeing this daily in the news, and the “racheting” is resetting their baseline as well.

    1. I honestly think that the point at which the switch flips is when the normals start dying in their own homes.

      Most of us trust in society a lot, and we fear “the system” more than the mob. That is a common theme here on this blog, including on the comments.

      We fear that if we shoot fire into the Antifa crowd that we will be hauled away in handcuffs and sent to prison for the rest of our lives. So we fear the judicial system more than we fear woken up in the middle of the night by the screaming mob shining flashlights and lasers into our faces.

      Even the people beaten in the streets, our attitude is largely “they should have stayed away.” Is it victim blaming? Probably. But we recognize that the mob is dangerous and we should be no where near it so victim blaming soothes our souls.

      I believe the switch is when the mob kicks in a door in a residential neighborhood and goes inside an murders the family. Or when the mob does to a house what they dried to do to the federal building and burn it down with the family still trapped inside.

      That is the turning point.

      The mob will have become lethal and the victims were at home, minding their own business. We can’t say anymore “well, they shouldn’t have been there” because they were home. The mob would have breached our final perimeter.

      That is when, I believe, it will kick off. When the people fear that even staying inside their own homes with the door locked and the binds closed isn’t protection from the mob killing them, they will shoot back.

      1. After a month of following antifa on Twitter… You are exactly right.

        We are scared of both sides of violence: Receiving (being injured) and Giving (going to jail).

        They are not. At all.

        They don’t fear receiving violence because they know we don’t want to sully our reputations. That’s why you always hear them on video screaming about calling the cops or getting license plates when someone tries to get away from them. They want to further terrorize their victims by placing the specter of an arrest in their minds. That’s not am assumption, it’s a tactic they openly talk about.

        They don’t fear giving violence because they have a vast, national network of lawyers and funders who will get them out of jail within hours. They see it as a badge of honor. He who has the most arrests is the most well-regarded.

        1. This guy is a “journalist” in that he does, in fact, write for a news outlet. Not a mainstream one, mind you, but at least he’s made money for writing before this.

          He’s also very, very good at getting himself “attacked” by whatever opponent he’s documenting, while wearing a surplus military helmet that has “Press” written on it. In yesterday’s melee, he wound up taking a baton to the hand because he bum-rushed a proud boy shield wall while they were being attacked by other protesters. Earlier in the day, he literally had walked through the antifa crowd and up to the proud boy shield wall and tried to just waltz through it, then claimed that he was “shoved for no reason” when they wouldn’t let him through.

          I say all that for context of who the guy is, but this thread is on point:

          It’s a good analysis of what happened from a pure military tactics point of view. Antifa now has a core of people (about 200) who have rioted every night for 3 months. I think about 60 of those folks actually showed up for this daytime event.

          They are, essentially, battle-hardened troops at this point. When they went up against the proud boys, the proud boys…..ran away. The proud boys were totally unprepared, despite having superior numbers and superior individual strength. They also had no good plan for leaving the event, so now they are all getting doxxed because antifa ran them back to the parking garage they all met at and recorded everyone leaving. Antifa has sources that can and will provide them with the names and home addresses of those people. It’s already happening.

          Antifa is practicing right now. They’re honing tactics, taking notes, and training each other. They are literally holding online training events to teach these things. Soon, the folks in Portland will disperse to other parts of the country to locals, kind of like a Marxist version of the Green Berets.

          1. That’s some sobering analysis, and I unfortunately think you’re right. Not only have ANTIFA been practicing tactics in a real manner, leading them to be superior in tactics & effects, they’ve gotten away with nearly everything due to the catch & release policies. Hopefully, when they disperse to other areas, the authorities won’t so blithely have revolving doors ready for them, and at least some attrition will begin.

  5. Lasers in eyes.
    Screaming into megaphones in someone’s ear.
    Frozen water bottles.
    Marching in company sized formations while carrying rifles and threatening people.
    Throwing human excrement.
    Throwing rocks.
    Throwing fireworks, sometimes with nails embedded in them.
    Blocking traffic.
    Taking over city blocks.
    Mag dumping into a Congressional softball practice.

    They are trying to provoke a response. As they continue to do so without getting the violent response they are looking for, they will ratchet up the violence.

    This only ends in one of two ways: Either someone gives them the mag dump they are looking for, or they simply do it themselves as a false flag operation.

    Either way, they will get their Reichstag fire. I wonder if that is going to be our October surprise.

  6. Fully endorsed by the city council, mayor and governor.

    Wait until the mob starts making homemade flamethrowers and using them against the police. Fully endorsed by the city council, mayor and governor.

    When the mob starts dragging people out of there homes at night and burning down homes… Fully endorsed by the city council, mayor and governor.

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